apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: stackspin-penpot-values namespace: stackspout data: values.yaml: | # TODO verify structure matches chart commonLabels: stackspin.net/backupSet: "penpot" podLabels: stackspin.net/backupSet: "penpot" # TODO Configure PVC for data & database including backup labels podAnnotations: backup.velero.io/backup-volumes: "data" persistence: enabled: true existingClaim: "penpot-data" ingress: enabled: true annotations: kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" hosts: ["${penpot_domain}"] # - host: "${penpot_domain}" # paths: # - path: / # pathType: Prefix tls: - secretName: penpot-tls hosts: - "${penpot_domain}" integrations: certManager: enabled: true config: publicUri: "https://${penpot_domain}" #apiSecretKey: "W8oErul6XcazLUhpsP_y0zttNSx_EkItWmD0TKTEvJuWSsjvkfEHxk9uNmrCOZ-p_Y6gIRV7yqQ4j04JcQX3xg" apiSecretKey: "${api_key}" # -- Comma separated list of allowed domains to register. Empty to allow all domains. registrationDomainWhitelist: "ftt.gmbh" telemetryEnabled: false # -- The feature flags to enable. Check [the official docs](https://help.penpot.app/technical-guide/configuration/) for more info. # @section -- Configuration parameters #flags: "enable-registration enable-login-with-password disable-email-verification enable-smtp" #flags: # backend_api_doc: false # cors: false # demo_users: false # demo_warning: false # insecure_register: false # log_emails: false # log_invitation_token: false # login: true # mail_verification: true # registration: true # secure_session_cookies: true # user_feedback: false smtp: enabled: "${outgoing_mail_enabled}" host: "${outgoing_mail_smtp_host}" port: "${outgoing_mail_smtp_port}" username: "${outgoing_mail_smtp_user}" password: "${outgoing_mail_smtp_password}" defaultFrom: "${outgoing_mail_from_address}" defaultReplyTo: "${outgoing_mail_from_address}" providers: oidc: enabled: true clientID: "${client_id}" clientSecret: "${client_secret}" baseURI: "https://${hydra_domain}" #autoDiscoverUrl: 'https://${hydra_domain}/.well-known/openid-configuration' persistence: assets: enabled: true existingClaim: "penpot-assets"