2023-04-16 12:33:20 +02:00
module Web.Controller.Tasks where
import Web.Controller.Prelude
import Web.View.Tasks.Index
import Web.View.Tasks.New
import Web.View.Tasks.Edit
import Web.View.Tasks.Show
instance Controller TasksController where
action TasksAction = do
tasks <- query @Task |> fetch
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>>= collectionFetchRelated #tags
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render IndexView { .. }
action NewTaskAction = do
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let tags = [newRecord @Tag, newRecord @Tag]
let task = newRecord @Task
|> updateField @"tags" tags
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render NewView { .. }
action ShowTaskAction { taskId } = do
task <- fetch taskId
render ShowView { .. }
action EditTaskAction { taskId } = do
task <- fetch taskId
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>>= fetchRelated #tags
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render EditView { .. }
action UpdateTaskAction { taskId } = do
task <- fetch taskId
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let tagIds :: [Id Tag] = paramList "tags_id"
let tagNames :: [Text] = paramList "tags_name"
originalTags <- fetch tagIds
let tags = zip tagIds tagNames
|> map (\(id, name) -> originalTags
|> find (\tag -> tag.id == id)
|> fromMaybe (newRecord |> set #taskId task.id)
|> \tag -> buildTag tag name
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|> buildTask
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|> updateField @"tags" tags
|> bubbleValidationResult #tags
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|> ifValid \case
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Left task -> do
render EditView { task }
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Right task -> do
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(task, tags) <- withTransaction do
task <- task
|> clearTags
|> updateRecord
tags <- mapM updateOrCreateRecord tags
pure (task, tags)
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setSuccessMessage "Task updated"
redirectTo EditTaskAction { .. }
action CreateTaskAction = do
let task = newRecord @Task
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let names :: [Text] = paramList "tags_name"
let tags = names |> map (buildTag newRecord)
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|> buildTask
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|> updateField @"tags" tags
|> bubbleValidationResult #tags
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|> ifValid \case
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Left task -> render NewView { task }
Right taskAndTags -> do
(task, tags) <- withTransaction do
task <- taskAndTags |> clearTags |> createRecord
tags <- taskAndTags.tags
|> map (set #taskId task.id)
|> createMany
pure (task, tags)
setSuccessMessage "Task and Tags created"
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redirectTo TasksAction
action DeleteTaskAction { taskId } = do
task <- fetch taskId
deleteRecord task
setSuccessMessage "Task deleted"
redirectTo TasksAction
buildTask task = task
|> fill @'["description"]
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|> validateField #description nonEmpty
buildTag :: Tag -> Text -> Tag
buildTag tag name = tag
|> set #name name
|> validateField #name nonEmpty
-- | Adds a validation error to the record when any of the child records is invalid
bubbleValidationResult :: forall fieldName record childRecord.
( HasField "meta" record MetaBag
, SetField "meta" record MetaBag
, KnownSymbol fieldName
, HasField fieldName record [childRecord]
, HasField "meta" childRecord MetaBag
, SetField "meta" childRecord MetaBag
) => Proxy fieldName -> record -> record
bubbleValidationResult field record =
if isEmpty childAnnotations
then record
else record |> attachFailure field "Invalid records"
childAnnotations :: [(Text, Violation)]
childAnnotations = get field record
|> map (\record -> record.meta.annotations)
|> concat
updateOrCreateRecord record | isNew record = createRecord record
updateOrCreateRecord record = updateRecord record
clearTags :: Include "tags" Task -> Task
clearTags task = updateField @"tags" (newRecord @Task).tags task