42 lines
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42 lines
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export STACKSPIN="$HOME/stackspin"
# Stackspin CLI Wrapper
# Initialize once with "stack select example.org",
# then it loads the last selected one on startup.
# Presumes a mapping like the following in your ssh config:
# Host example.org
# Hostname [IP]
stack() {
case "$1" in
(select) shift
export _cluster_name="$1"
export _cluster_ip="$(ssh -G "$_cluster_name" | grep --max-count 1 "^hostname " | cut -d " " -f2-)"
export CLUSTER_DIR="$STACKSPIN/clusters/$_cluster_name"
export KUBECONFIG="$CLUSTER_DIR/kube_config_cluster.yml"
echo Selected "$_cluster_name" with IP "$_cluster_ip"
echo "$_cluster_name" >"$_stackspin_cluster_cache"
(sso) shift
builtin cd "$STACKSPIN"
kubectl exec -n stackspin $(kubectl get pods -A | grep single-sign-on-login | awk '{print $2}') -- flask "$@";;
if test "$2" = "init"
then mail="$3"
shift 3
stack user create "$mail"
stack user update "$mail" name "$*"
echo "Initialized user '$*' with email '$mail'"
else kubectl exec -n stackspin $(kubectl get pods -A | grep single-sign-on-login | awk '{print $2}') -- flask "$@"
(*) builtin cd "$STACKSPIN"
if test $# -gt 1 -a "$1" = install
then shift && "./install/install-$1.sh" || ./install/install-app.sh "$@"
else python3 -m stackspin "$_cluster_name" "$@"
cat "$_stackspin_cluster_cache" 2>/dev/null |
while read cluster; do stack select "$cluster"; done
cd "$HOME/stackspout"