2020-10-13 12:18:51 +02:00
export DATA="$(test -d $HOME/data && echo $HOME/data || echo $HOME/daten)"
2020-10-12 22:20:06 +02:00
export MUSIC="$DATA/music"
export AUDIO="$DATA/audio"
2020-10-03 11:40:28 +02:00
2020-06-08 11:41:03 +02:00
2020-09-04 12:05:10 +02:00
edpl() {
$EDITOR $(find $MUSIC/Playlists -iname "$1\.*" | grep . || find $MUSIC/Playlists -iname "$1*")
2020-06-08 11:41:03 +02:00
makePl() { echo ${2:-empty} >$1.m3u8 }
makePls() {
i=1; while test $i -le ${1:-9}; do makePl "${2:-Ω}$i" "empty$i"; ((i++)); done
2020-09-04 12:05:10 +02:00
fixPl() {
2020-10-03 11:40:28 +02:00
sed -i 's/.*\/musi[kc]/../g' *
2020-09-04 12:05:10 +02:00
plCd() {
mkdir $dir
cat $1 | python -c "import sys, urllib as ul; [sys.stdout.write(ul.unquote_plus(l)) for l in sys.stdin]" | sed '=' | sed -r 's/^[0-9]$/0\0/' | sed -r "N; s/(.*)\n(.*\/[0-9 ]*(.*))/'\2'\n'$dir\/\1 \3'/" | xargs -L 2 cp
2020-06-08 11:41:03 +02:00
findsongs() {
find -regextype posix-extended -maxdepth 1 -type f -regex "${1:-.*\.(mp3|flac|wav|m4a)}" -printf "%P\n"
addmix() {
2020-10-03 11:40:28 +02:00
mv -v "$1.cue" "$AUDIO/recordings/cues"
2020-06-08 11:41:03 +02:00
addsong "$1.flac" Mixes
addsong() {
test "$1" = "-q" && shift && quick="true"
local raw="${1%.*}"
local isflac=$(case "$1" in *.flac) echo "true";; esac)
test "$isflac" || (echo "Converting to flac..." && flac "$1" --totally-silent)
test "$quick" || (echo "Press ENTER when the metadata of the flac file is correct..." && read)
echo "Converting to mp3..."
lame -V0 "$1" --silent
mkdir -p "$MUSIC/$2"
mkdir -p "$MUSIC_RAW/$2"
local destination="$MUSIC/$2/$raw.mp3"
echo "Moving mp3 with metadata to $destination"
ffmpeg -i "$raw.mp3" -i "$raw.flac" -c copy -map_metadata 1 "$destination" -v warning "${@:3}" && rm "$raw.mp3"
test ! "$PWD" -ef "$MUSIC_RAW/$2" && mv -v "$raw.flac" "$MUSIC_RAW/$2" && (test "$isflac" || rm -v "$1")
addalbum() {
mkdir -p "$MUSIC/$1"
mkdir -p "$MUSIC_RAW/$1"
f1 -regextype posix-extended -type f -regex "\./(cover|folder)\.(png|jpg|jpeg)" | while read cover; do
cp -v "$cover" "$MUSIC/$1" &&
mv -v "$cover" "$MUSIC_RAW
test "$foundcover" || f1 -regextype posix-extended -type f -regex ".*\.(png|jpg|jpeg)" | while read cover; do
cp -v "$cover" "$MUSIC/$1" &&
mv -v "$cover" "$MUSIC_RAW
for s in $(findsongs ".*\.(flac|wav)"); do
highlight "$s"
addsong -q "$s" "$1" "${@:2}"
unset IFS
formatsongs() {
2021-03-20 11:02:53 +01:00
find "$PWD" "$@" -type d | while read d; do builtin cd $d; findsongs | while read song; do
2020-06-08 11:41:03 +02:00
new="$(formatsong "$song")"
test "$new" != "$song" && mv -v "$song" "$new"
done; done
2021-03-20 11:02:53 +01:00
builtin cd "$_pwd"
2020-06-08 11:41:03 +02:00
for f in $(find "$@" -name "*.wav"); do
echo "Converting $f to ${f%.*}.flac"
ffmpeg -i "$f" "${f%.*}.flac" -v warning && rm -v $f
unset IFS
formatsong() {
2021-03-20 11:02:53 +01:00
echo "$1" | sed -e 's/\([ ([]\)\(ft\|Ft\|Feat\|featuring\)\([ .]\)/\1feat\3/;
s/\([ ([]\)feat /\1feat. /;
s/ \((Original Mix)\|(Original)\|(Full Stream)\|.NCS Release.\)//i;
s/ \(\..\{2,4\}\)$/\1/;
s/---/ - /;
s/ / /g;
s/\(\w\)+\(\w\)/\1 \2/g' -
2020-06-08 11:41:03 +02:00