bin: remove dictcc-helper
Replaced it with much more sensible tools rather than continually hacking on its flaws.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 79 deletions
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
# before you start: download dictionary file from an rename it as wb.txt
# put it in the same directory as this script.
# ensure that it's encoding is the same as your systems!
# by matthias.bloch at puffin dot ch
# because the code is in German I wrote some comments in English :-)
open (LISTE, "dict.txt") or die "can't load dictionary: $!";
@woerterbuch= <LISTE>;
close LISTE;
# replace all ß by ss. German users may want to comment this line out. :-)
#$_ =~ s/ß/ss/ foreach (@woerterbuch);
$hits_per_page = 15;
while (1){
if (length($next_input)==0 || $next_input =~ /^n$/i) {
%treffer = undef;
$laengstes = 0;
print "\n\nWelches Wort suchen? "; # Search which word?
$input = <STDIN>;
} else {
$input = $next_input;
undef $next_input;
chomp ($input);
if(length($input) == 0) {
print "*"x(21+length($input));
print "\n\n";
foreach $e (@woerterbuch) {
if ($e =~ /$input/i) {
($englisch, $deutsch) = split (/::/, $e); # the dictionary is in the form: english_word::german_word
s/\s$//g foreach ($englisch, $deutsch); # remove space
$deutsch =~ s/^\s//g;
chomp $deutsch;
$treffer{$englisch}.=", " if (exists $treffer{$englisch});
$laengstes = length ($englisch) if ($laengstes < length ($englisch));
$treffer_anzahl = 0;
foreach $match ("^$input\$", "^$input\\S", "^$input\\s", ".+\\s$input", "\\S$input"
) {
# first it looks for a perfect match, then for a match at the beginning, then a match anywere
foreach (sort keys %treffer){
if ($_ =~ /$match/i or $treffer{$_} =~ /$match/i){
$treffer_anzahl ++;
if ($treffer_anzahl > $hits_per_page) {
print "weitere Treffer anzeigen? (J / n)"; # ask whether to continue printing after a few matches
$next_input = <STDIN>;
chomp ($next_input);
last SUCHE if ($next_input !~ /^[yj]?$/i);
$treffer_anzahl = 0;
# print the findings
sub treffer_drucken {
($erste_spalte = $_) =~ s/($input)/\e[4m$1\e[0m/gi;
print $erste_spalte, "\n";
Add table
Reference in a new issue