config: tool config updates

This commit is contained in:
xeruf 2024-02-20 19:56:45 +01:00
parent b6d8ad24f2
commit 490f50695b
8 changed files with 22 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -471,11 +471,15 @@
"timeToBreakInTray": false,
"currentTimeInBreaks": false,
"showTrayIcon": true,
"skipToNextScheduledBreakShortcut": "",
"skipToNextMiniBreakShortcut": "",
"skipToNextLongBreakShortcut": "",
"resetBreaksShortcut": "",
"pauseBreaksShortcut": "",
"resumeBreaksShortcut": "",
"__internal__": {
"migrations": {
"version": "1.14.1"
"version": "1.15.1"

View File

@ -32,10 +32,11 @@
tool = nvim
submodule = log
context = 2
renames = copy
renames = true
colorMoved = dimmed-zebra
colorMovedWS = allow-indentation-change
renames = copy
tool = nvim
[mergetool "nvim"]
cmd = nvim -f -c \"Gdiffsplit!\" \"$MERGED\"
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
# status
s = !git stl && git stb
st = stb .
stb = status --short --branch --find-renames=.2
stb = status --short --branch --find-renames
sv = --paginate status -v
svv = --paginate status -vv
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@
co-authors = !git log | grep -i Co-Authored | awk '!a[$0]++'
when = !git for-each-ref --sort=committerdate --format='%(refname:short) * %(authorname) * %(committerdate:relative)' refs/remotes/ # List all branches with their last updates
tags = !sh -c "git for-each-ref --color=always --format='%(color:yellow)%(tag)%(color:default)%09 %(subject) %(color:green)(%(taggerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d))' refs/tags | sort -V | column -s $'\t' -t"
tags = !git for-each-ref --color=always --format='%(color:yellow)%(tag)%(color:default)%09 %(subject) %(color:green)(%(taggerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d))' refs/tags | sort -V | column -s $'\t' -t
find = log --patch --all --full-history # Find a filename in all git knows
ref = reflog show --pretty=tformat:'%C(auto)%h%d %s %Cgreen(%cd) %Cblue<%an>%Creset'
refg = log --reflog --graph --pretty=tformat:'%C(auto)%h%d %s %Cgreen(%cd) %Cblue<%an>%Creset'

View File

@ -12,10 +12,9 @@ indent_character: '|'
default: ~/data/2-box/journal/jrnl.txt
tug: ~/data/2-box/journal/tug.txt
nug: ~/data/2-box/journal/nuggets.txt
intentions: ~/data/2-box/journal/intentions.txt
linewrap: 99
tagsymbols: '@'
template: false
timeformat: '%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M'
version: v2.8.4
version: v4.1

View File

@ -249,12 +249,14 @@ alias dt='python -c "import time;print(time.asctime(time.localtime()))"'
# Process
alias println='printf "\n"'
alias myip="curl && println && curl"
alias dedup-lines='awk '"'"'!a[$0]++'"'"
alias lar='last | tac'
alias lst='( last; last -f /var/log/wtmp.1 ) | grep -v "pts/" | tac | less +G'
alias hedgedoc="tmux kill-session -t hedgedoc; builtin cd '$d4/dev/_forks/hedgedoc' && tmux new-session -s hedgedoc -d 'yarn run dev' \; split-window -h 'nodemon --watch app.js --watch lib --watch locales --watch config.json app.js' \; ls"
alias myip='curl && println && curl'
alias ips='ip -br address && ip route'
alias rm='rm -I'
del() {
# TODO use current partition and clean on reboot via cron
@ -336,9 +338,10 @@ sshl() {
! [[ "$1" =~ "tmtgw" ]] &&
! [[ "$1" =~ "delta*" ]] &&
! [[ "$1" =~ "nc-*" ]] &&
! [[ "$1" =~ "ddns*" ]] &&
local pass=pass
test "$all" &&
find $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bash/ \( -name aliases.bash -o -name "${1%[0-9a-z]}*.bash" \) -exec cat {} + | $pass ssh "$1" 'cat > .bash_aliases && grep -q .bash_aliases .bashrc || echo "source ~/.bash_aliases" | tee -a .bashrc' &&
find $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bash/ \( -name aliases.bash -o -name "${1%[0-9a-z]}*.bash" \) -exec cat {} + | $pass ssh "$@" 'cat > .bash_aliases && grep -q .bash_aliases .bashrc || echo "source ~/.bash_aliases" | tee -a .bashrc' &&
echo 'Updated .bash_aliases!'
#$pass ssh "$1" 'grep -q ".bash_aliases" .bashrc || echo "source ~/.bash_aliases" >>.bashrc'
if test -n "$pass"
@ -348,7 +351,7 @@ sshl() {
ssh-copy-id -i "$(ssh -G "$1" |
grep --max-count 1 "^identityfile " |
cut -d " " -f2- |
sed "s|^~|$HOME|")" "$1" &&
sed "s|^~|$HOME|")" "$@" &&
touch "$file"
sshk -R 2489: "$@"
@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ grsh() {
# Recover stray swap files from neovim
vrec() {
find "$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/swap" -name "*$1*" |
find "$XDG_STATE_HOME/nvim/swap" -name "*$1*" -printf '%f%n' |
sed 's/\%/\//g' | sed 's|\(.*\)\..*|\1|' |
xargs --no-run-if-empty nvim

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ command -v notify-send >/dev/null &&
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(echo "$history[$HISTCMD]" | sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
if which jrnl >/dev/null; then
alias j='jrnl'
j(){ jrnl "$@" && jrnl-tag; }
jn() { jrnl -to today "$@" | less --exit-follow-on-close +F; }
alias jnc='jn -contains'
alias jne='jrnl --edit'

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ pull_arguments = "--rebase --autostash --recurse-submodules"
# Arguments to pass yay when updating packages
yay_arguments = "--diffmenu=false --overwrite '/usr/lib/node_modules/node-gyp/**' --overwrite '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/**' --overwrite '/usr/lib/**' --ignore android-studio --ignore clion --ignore intellij-idea-ultimate-edition --ignore intellij-idea-ultimate-edition-jre --ignore webstorm --ignore linux --ignore stretchly-xeruf-git"
yay_arguments = "--diffmenu=false --overwrite /usr/lib/node_modules/node-gyp/**,/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/**,/usr/lib/** --ignore linux,zoom,qt*,zulip*,webcord*,brave*,*openjfx,android-studio*,clion*,intellij-idea-*,webstorm*,stretchly-xeruf-git"
#trizen_arguments = "--devel"
#enable_tlmgr = true
#emerge_sync_flags = "-q"

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ALIGN: MIDDLE
# The default ORDER is simply the order in which the displays are discovered.
# Define your own.
- 'C24F390'
- 'DP-4'
- 'VFV'
@ -26,7 +27,6 @@ ORDER:
# This may be disabled and scale 1 will be used, unless a SCALE has been specified.
# Auto scale may be overridden for each display.
- NAME_DESC: 'U28E570'

View File

@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ setopt pipefail
# Empower zmv (see ZSHCONTRIB(1))
alias szmv='sudo zsh -c autoload zmv && zmv'
autoload zmv
alias zmv='noglob zmv'
alias zmv='noglob zmv -v'
alias zmw='noglob zmv -W'
alias zcp='noglob zmv -C'
alias zln='noglob zmv -L'