Nvim: Update config

This commit is contained in:
xerus2000 2020-06-12 17:51:22 +02:00
parent 7006eaf7ea
commit 4e5a4e574a
1 changed files with 5 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ command! S OpenBrowserSmartSearch <C-R>"<CR>
command! GH OpenGithubProject <C-R>"<CR>
Plug 'farmergreg/vim-lastplace' " Automatically jump to last edit position
Plug 'chrisbra/Recover.vim' " Add Recover options for swap files
" Remove trailing whitespace on save
Plug 'ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace'
@ -122,8 +123,6 @@ autocmd FileType markdown setlocal spell " Spell checking in markdown
" Center on insert mode
autocmd InsertEnter * norm zz
autocmd BufNew * :0put ='#! '. system('which '. &makeprg)
" }}}
" Mappings {{{
@ -135,9 +134,12 @@ command! FormatJSON %!python -m json.tool
" Add shebang - https://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/4z7z7s/add_shebang_lines_to_your_vim_files_automatically/d6v7op8 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/52135425
inoreabbrev <expr> #!! "#!/usr/bin/env" . (empty(&filetype) ? '' : ' '.&filetype)
autocmd BufNewFile * if !empty(&filetype) | execute 'silent! 1s/.*/#!\/usr\/bin\/' . &filetype . '\r\r'| :startinsert | endif
"autocmd BufNewFile * if !empty(&filetype) | execute 'silent! 1s/.*/#!\/usr\/bin\/' . &filetype . '\r\r'| :startinsert | endif
" Sane yanking
map Y y$
" Disable Ex mode - https://vi.stackexchange.com/q/457
nnoremap Q <nop>
let mapleader=" "