config/shell: update aliases

This commit is contained in:
xeruf 2024-04-13 12:47:32 +02:00
parent b2e64b6555
commit 856ab66059
10 changed files with 68 additions and 23 deletions

View file

@ -51,6 +51,14 @@ status() {
disks() {
sudo df -h -T --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=overlay
sudo blkid
sudo fdisk -l
} | less
__u="$sudo apt update && $sudo apt upgrade"
alias u="$__u"
alias ur="tmux new-session -s upgrade '$__u && $sudo reboot'"

View file

@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ alias v='edit'
alias st='synct'
command -v dtrx >/dev/null && alias ex='dtrx'
alias expr='noglob expr'
alias get='noglob ='
alias calc='noglob ='
alias bi='b .*ignore*'
# Shortcuts
@ -265,6 +265,7 @@ del() {
m "$@" $trash
alias get='curlie --location'
curlh() {
curl -v --location "$@" >/dev/null

View file

@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ command -v notify-send >/dev/null &&
if which jrnl >/dev/null; then
j(){ jrnl "$@" && jrnl-tag; }
jn() { jrnl -to today "$@" | less --exit-follow-on-close +F; }
alias jnc='jn -contains'
jna() { jrnl -to today "$@" | less --exit-follow-on-close +F; }
alias jn='jna -n 99'
alias jnc='jna -contains'
alias jne='jrnl --edit'

View file

@ -41,8 +41,10 @@ stack() {
# Uncomment the line below to always use the main stackspin repo, even when running in a fork.
#export GITLAB_CI="true"
echo Selected Stackspin cluster "$_cluster_name" with IP "$_cluster_ip"
echo "$_cluster_name" >"$_stackspin_cluster_cache"
echo "$_cluster_name" >"$_stackspin_cluster_cache" || true
#test "$PWD" = "$HOME" && builtin cd "$STACKSPIN"
test -d "$STACKSPIN" && . $STACKSPIN/env/bin/activate
(sso) "$cmdname" exec dashboard-backend -- flask "$@";;
@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ stack() {
export name=${2:-$(echo $mail | sed -E 's/(.*)\.(.*)@.*/\u\1 \u\2/' )}
#echo "$mail,$name"
stack user init "$mail" "$name"
stack-invite "$3"
test -f "$1" && $EDITOR "$1"
@ -174,11 +176,13 @@ stack() {
# app clis
(occ) "$cmdname" exec nc-nextcloud -c nextcloud -it -- su www-data -s /bin/bash -c "php $command $*";;
(zulip) "$cmdname" exec zulip -- su zulip -c "/home/zulip/deployments/current/ $*";;
local pod=$command
case "$1" in
(dump|export) cd "$PROJECTS/vikunja"
"$cmdname" exec "$pod-api" -- sh -c 'rm -f *.zip && ./vikunja dump >/dev/null && ls --color -lAhF >&2 && cat *.zip' >"$pod-dump_$(date +%F).zip"
"$cmdname" exec "$pod-api" -- \
sh -c 'rm -f *.zip && ./vikunja dump >/dev/null && ls --color -lAhF >&2 && cat *.zip' >"$pod-dump_$(date +%F).zip"
if ! test -f "$2"
@ -189,13 +193,36 @@ stack() {
"$cmdname" upload "$pod-api" "$file"
"$cmdname" exec "$pod-api" -it -- ./vikunja restore "$file"
(psql) kubectl exec -it -n $("$cmdname" pod "$pod-postgresql") -- sh -c "PGPASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace stackspout $pod-postgresql -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode) psql -h localhost -U vikunja -p 5432 vikunja";;
kubectl exec -it -n $("$cmdname" pod "$pod-postgresql") -- \
sh -c "PGPASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace stackspout $pod-postgresql -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode) psql -h localhost -U vikunja -p 5432 vikunja";;
(*) echo "Unknown $command subcommand";;
local app=$1
case "$1" in
"$cmdname" upload "$app-postgresql" "$file"
"$cmdname" psql "$app" exec createdb "$db"
stack psql "$app" "$db" -f \
$(kubectl describe pod -n $(stack pod "$app-postgresql") | grep "from data" | awk '{print $1}')/$file
(exec) command="$2"
shift 2
kubectl exec -it -n $("$cmdname" pod "$app-postgresql") -- sh -c "PGPASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace stackspout $app-postgresql -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode) $command -h localhost -U $app -p 5432 $*"
"$cmdname" psql "$app" exec psql "$@"
pw="$(kubectl get secret -n flux-system stackspin-$app-variables --template '{{.data.mariadb_password}}' | base64 -d 2>/dev/null ||
local app=$1
local pw="$(kubectl get secret -n flux-system stackspin-$app-variables --template '{{.data.mariadb_password}}' | base64 -d 2>/dev/null ||
kubectl get secret -n flux-system stackspin-$app-variables --template "{{.data.${app}_mariadb_password}}" | base64 -d)"
case $app in
(nextcloud) n=nc-mariadb;;
@ -211,7 +238,7 @@ stack() {
# high-level
local container=$1
test "$1" = "-c" && pod=$2 && shift 2
"$cmdname" exec "$container" -c "$pod" -it -- /bin/sh "$@";;
@ -240,13 +267,13 @@ stack() {
for arg
do case "$arg" in (-*) break;; (*) commands+="$arg"; shift;; esac
local IFS=$'\n'
for namespacedpod in $pods; do
#while IFS= read -r namespacedpod; do
test "$subcommand" = get ||
highlight "Running $subcommand on $namespacedpod" >&2
local IFS=' '
kubectl "$subcommand" "${commands[@]}" -n $namespacedpod "$@"
#done <<< "$pods"
test $# -gt 0 && local podname=$1 && shift
if ! kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --field-selector="status.phase=Running" -o=custom-columns=S:.metadata.namespace, --no-headers "$@" | grep --color=never -- "$podname"
@ -277,6 +304,10 @@ stack() {
cp -nv install/kustomization.yaml $CLUSTER_DIR/
kubectl get namespace flux-system 2>/dev/null || kubectl create namespace flux-system
kubectl apply -k $CLUSTER_DIR
ssh "root@${_cluster_name}" mkdir /etc/nftables.d
ssh "root@${_cluster_name}" echo 'tcp dport { 2222 } counter accept' | tee /etc/nftables.d/ssh.nft

View file

@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ setopt hist_save_no_dups
setopt hist_reduce_blanks
unsetopt hist_ignore_space
zshaddhistory() {
[[ $1 != netkeeper* ]] && [[ $1 != killm* ]] && [[ $1 != "stretchly reset" ]]
[[ $1 != netkeeper* ]] && [[ $1 != killm* ]] && [[ $1 != "stretchly reset" ]]
setopt sh_word_split
setopt sh_word_split #
setopt extended_glob
unsetopt case_glob

View file

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ sudo hdparm -MWAgt "$disk"
if test $# -eq 0
then highlight "Write Test"
# This prevents predictions by using random, but since that is too slow we have to copy a previously created file
count=100$(test $(df --output="avail" . | tail -1) -gt 999999 && echo 0 || true)
# This prevents predictions by using random, but since that is too slow we have to copy a previously created file
highlight "Preparing random bits:" &&
sudo dd status=progress if=/dev/random of=/var/tmp/tempfile bs=1M count=$count &&
highlight "Copying random bits:" &&

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Find terms in jrnl files and turn them into tags
# Check with jrnl --tags
if test $# -eq 0
then $0 sleep uni work nap health tech read girl dev phone Zinc run bike tour laptop computer PC CB piano faith journal Catherine Franklin Kerstin Henri Katja
then $0 sleep uni work nap health tech read girl dev phone Zinc run bike tour laptop computer PC CB piano faith journal Catherine Franklin Kerstin Henri Katja Erlangen Bayreuth Berlin ICF
for arg
do rpl "\(^\|[^@]\)\b$arg\b" "\1@$arg" $JOURNAL/*.txt 2>/dev/null

View file

@ -147,9 +147,11 @@ data:
enabled: true
# Elaborate style
# Elaborate (TrueCharts) style
annotations: "true" |
more_set_headers "Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self' files.${domain}";
- host: "\${${app}_domain}"

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/bin/sh -x
# Convert given file to PNG
pdftoppm -png "$@" >"$1.png" ||
convert -background white -alpha off -density 500 "$@" "$1.png"

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export_existing() {
export_existing DATA $HOME/daten $HOME/data
export MUSIC="$DATA/4-media/music"
export BORG_REPO='/mnt/backup/borg'
export BORG_REPO='admin@'
export BORG_PASSCOMMAND='pass service/device/borg/backup'
# xdg
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ export LESS="--raw-control-chars --ignore-case --LONG-PROMPT --jump-target=5 $(t
# TODO put into config file and use --exclude-from
# -x 'System Volume Information'
export DIRS_GENERATED="-x generated -x .gradle -x cmake_build -x dist-newstyle -x node_modules -x __pycache__ -x .pytest_cache"
export DIRS_IGNORE_SAFE="-x .cache -x .cpan -x *Cache -x .pyenv -x .local/cache -x share/baloo -x share/cabal -x share/cargo -x share/digikam -x share/gem -x share/JetBrains -x share/tldr -x share/syncthing -x share/Steam/ubuntu* -x share/Steam/package -x share/virtualenv -x share/Zeal -x state/gradle -x state/android -x Ferdi/Partitions -x oh-my-zsh -x wine/drive_c/windows -x vendor/cache $DIRS_GENERATED"
export DIRS_IGNORE="-x .sync -x .stfolder -x *build -x .git -x .idea -x env -x out -x cache -x Partitions -x vendor/bundle -x log $DIRS_IGNORE_SAFE"
export DIRS_IGNORE_SAFE="-x .cache -x .cpan -x *Cache -x .pyenv -x .local/cache -x .config/DeltaChat -x .config/discord -x .config/Slack -x .config/syncthing -x share/baloo -x share/cabal -x share/cargo -x share/digikam -x share/gem -x share/JetBrains -x share/tldr -x share/syncthing -x share/Steam/ubuntu* -x share/Steam/package -x share/virtualenv -x share/Zeal -x state/gradle -x state/android -x Ferdi/Partitions -x oh-my-zsh -x wine/drive_c/windows -x vendor/cache $DIRS_GENERATED"
export DIRS_IGNORE="-x .archive -x .sync -x .stfolder -x *build -x .git -x .idea -x env -x out -x cache -x Partitions -x vendor/bundle -x log $DIRS_IGNORE_SAFE"
# red stderr
test -f "/usr/lib/" && export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/${LD_PRELOAD:+:$LD_PRELOAD}"
# software config
@ -159,3 +159,5 @@ export CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1
#export TZ='Europe/Dublin'
#export TZ='Africa/Nairobi'
export CONTEST_NETWORK=lan-restricted-dev