bin: make dif commands flexible

This commit is contained in:
xeruf 2022-10-24 22:22:45 +02:00
parent f5d8c4094c
commit 867f019928
2 changed files with 31 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,31 @@
#!/bin/bash -ex
#!/bin/bash -e
# interactive diff with pagination and nice coloring
# TODO diff sqlite repos with sqldiff
mime="$(file --brief --mime "$1" "$2")"
case "$mime" in
ff() { ffprobe -loglevel warning -print_format default=noprint_wrappers=1 -show_format -pretty "$@"; }
declare -a files
while test $# -gt 0
do test "$1" == "--" && shift &&
command="$@" && break
if ! test "$command"; then
mime="$(file --brief --mime "${files[@]}")"
case "$mime" in
(*audio*) command="ffprobe -loglevel warning -print_format default=noprint_wrappers=1 -show_format -pretty";;
(image/*) command="exiftool";;
(*sqlite*) sqldiff --summary "${files[@]}" | grep -v '0 changes, 0 inserts, 0 deletes';; # TODO syntax highlighting for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
# Use wiked-diff only for text <10MB
if test 10000000 -gt "$(stat --format=%s *.geojson | paste -s -d'+' | bc)"
then wiked-diff "${files[@]}"
else diff --color=always --unified=1 --report-identical-files "${files[@]}"
(*) diff-color --report-identical-files "${files[@]}";;
if test "$command"; then
echo "Generated through $command"
$(test $(tput cols) -gt 120 && echo "diff --color=always --side-by-side" || echo "diff-color") \
--report-identical-files --label="$1" --label="$2" <(ff "$1") <(ff "$2")
(*sqlite*) sqldiff "$@" ;;
# Use wiked-diff only for text <10MB
if test 10000000 -gt "$(stat --format=%s *.geojson | paste -s -d'+' | bc)"
then wiked-diff "$@"
else diff --color=always --unified=1 --report-identical-files "$@"
(*) diff-color --report-identical-files "$@";;
esac | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --quit-on-intr --quit-if-one-screen
--report-identical-files --label="${files[0]}" --label="${files[1]}" <($command "${files[0]}") <($command "${files[1]}")
} | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --quit-on-intr --quit-if-one-screen

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#!/bin/sh -e
# Delete files under current or given path which exist elsewhere as listed in the locate database
# Matches first by name, then by checksum (currently inefficiently via md5)
case $1 in ([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]) threshold=$1; shift;; esac
find "$@" -size +${threshold:-50}M -type f -exec sh -c "IFS=$'\n'"'
target="$(basename "$filepath" | synct-unarchive)"
target="$(synct-unarchive "$filepath")"
highlight "$filepath"
for existing in $(locate -b "$target")
do test "$(realpath "$target")" != "$(realpath "$existing")" -a -f "$existing" && test "$(md5sum "$existing" | cut -d\ -f1)" = "$(md5sum "$filepath" | cut -d\ -f1)" && echo "Found duplicate at $existing" && rm -vi "$filepath" && break