config/git: improve alias modularity
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
curbranch = symbolic-ref --short HEAD
curbranch = symbolic-ref --short HEAD
upstream = !git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{upstream} || git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{push} || echo origin/$(git curbranch)
upstream = !git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{upstream} || git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{push} || echo origin/$(git curbranch)
lg = log --pretty=tformat:'%C(auto)%h%d %s %Cgreen(%cd) %Cblue<%an>%Creset' --date=human --graph
lgr = log --pretty=tformat:'%C(auto)%h%d %s %Cgreen(%cd) %Cblue<%an>%Creset' --date=human --graph
lgu = lg HEAD @{push}
lg = lgr HEAD @{push}
lo = log --pretty=tformat:'%C(auto)%h%d %s %Cgreen(%cd) %Cblue<%an>%Creset' --date=human --no-merges
lo = log --pretty=tformat:'%C(auto)%h%d %s %Cgreen(%cd) %Cblue<%an>%Creset' --date=human --no-merges
lp = log -p --date=local
lp = log -p --date=local
my = lo --author [Jj]anek
my = lo --author [Jj]anek
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
journal = !git add $(git root)/2-standards/notes/journal && git cme "notes/journal:" -- $(git root)/2-standards/notes/journal
journal = !git add $(git root)/2-standards/notes/journal && git cme "notes/journal:" $(git root)/2-standards/notes/journal
note = !git cme "notes:" -- $(git root)/2-standards/notes
note = !git cme "notes:" $(git root)/2-standards/notes
write = !git add $(git root)/2-standards/writing && git cme "write:" -- $(git root)/2-standards/writing
write = !git add $(git root)/2-standards/writing && git cme "write:" $(git root)/2-standards/writing
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