# Shell configuration for Zsh, works almost completely for Bash as well export LESS=-R export DIST=$(lsb_release --id | cut -d' ' -f2) alias info='info --vi-keys' # Some aliases alias editgrub='sudoedit /etc/default/grub && sudo update-grub' alias editenv='sudoedit /etc/environment' alias dedup='awk '"'"'!a[$0]++'"'" edconf() { conf_cache_dir="$XDG_CACHE_HOME/edconf" conf_cache="$conf_cache_dir/files" conf_tmp="${conf_cache}.tmp" conf_extra="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/edconf-extra" mkdir -p "$conf_cache_dir" touch "$conf_cache" # | xargs file | grep text | cut -d':' -f1 # this filters out non-text files, but it's ridiculously slow sel="$({ cat "$conf_cache"; test -f "$conf_extra" && cat "$conf_extra"; fd --type file --size -1m --hidden --exact-depth 1 . ~; fd --type file --size -1m --max-depth 3 . --full-path "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" /etc } | dedup | fzf -1 -0 --tiebreak=end,length --preview 'bat --color=always --style=numbers --line-range :200 {}' --query="$1" --history "$conf_cache_dir/searches")" test "$sel" && ((echo "$sel" | cat - "$conf_cache" | head -9 >"$conf_tmp" && mv "$conf_tmp" "$conf_cache") & (test -O "$sel" && $EDITOR "$sel" || sudoedit "$sel")) } CONFIG_SHELL_FUNCTIONS="${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-${(%):-%x}}" alias r="reset && exec zsh" edshell() { case $1 in "") file="$CONFIG_SHELL_FUNCTIONS";; zsh) file="$CONFIG_ZSH/.zshrc";; prof*) file="$HOME/.zprofile";; *) file=$(find $CONFIG_SHELLS -name "$1*" | head -1);; esac checksum="$(md5sum $file)" $EDITOR $file test "$checksum" != "$(md5sum $file)" && source $HOME/.zprofile && exec $SHELL } edbin() { $EDITOR "$( (command which $1 || find $HOME/.local/bin -name "$1*" | grep . -m 1 || echo "$HOME/.local/bin/$1") | tail -1 )" } alias -g ___='"$(eval "$(fc -ln -1)" | tail -n 1)"' alias -g G="| grp" alias -g X="| xargs" alias l="ls -l --almost-all --human-readable --group-directories-first --file-type" cd() { builtin cd "$@" && command ls --file-type --group-directories-first --color=always --format=vertical -w $COLUMNS | head -3 } # Task management & time tracking alias t='task' alias tw='timew' twsm() { timew summary $(date --date="Monday $1 week ago" -I) to tomorrow :ids ${@:2} } alias twtest='( TIMEWARRIORDB=/tmp/timewarriordb && rm -rf ${TIMEWARRIORDB} && mkdir -p ${TIMEWARRIORDB}/data && :> ${TIMEWARRIORDB}/timewarrior.cfg && $SHELL )' # Quick shortcuts alias c='clear' alias q='exit' alias v='nvim' alias lst='( last; last -f /var/log/wtmp.1 ) | grep -v "pts/" | tac | less +G' alias lar='last | tac' tr() { tree -a -L 2 --du -h -C "$@" | ${PAGER:-less} } alias xo='xdg-open' alias sqli='rlwrap sqlite3 -column -header -cmd .tables' alias loc='noglob locate --basename' alias uloc='noglob sudo updatedb && locate --basename' alias syslog='less +F /var/log/syslog' alias println='printf "\n"' alias graphics='lspci -vnn | grep VGA --color=never' alias vlch="vlc -H | ${PAGER:-less}" alias sc='sudo systemctl' alias scrw='sudo systemctl restart display-manager' alias grp='grep --line-number --ignore-case --binary-files=without-match' alias grpr='grp --recursive' # Use grep and sed to replace $1 with $2 recursively rpl() { grep --null --recursive --files-with-matches "$1" | xargs -0 sed -i "/${1}/{ s//${2}/g w /dev/stdout }" } # Recover stray swap files from neovim alias vrec="ls $XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/swap | sed 's/\%/\//g' | sed 's|\(.*\)\..*|\1|' | head -1 | xargs -r nvim" alias vrecd="ls $XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/swap | head -1 | xargs -r rm" # Applications alias dict="(builtin cd $(dirname $(locate -n 2 /dict.txt)) && rlwrap perl dictcc-helper.pl)" alias startMinecraftServer='curl https://ipinfo.io/ip | xclip -sel clip && cd ~/daten/games/sharedgames/minecraft/server && java -jar forge-1.12.2- -mx 8G' dropbox_path="$(cat ~/.dropbox/info.json | grep -Po '"'"path"'"\s*:\s*"\K([^"]*)')" # Add an "alert" alias for long running commands. Use like so: sleep 10; alert #if [ command -v notify-send >/dev/null 2>&1 ]; then alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(echo "$history[$HISTCMD]" | sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"' #fi # Fix broken mime messages alias fixmime='sudo rm /usr/share/mime/packages/kde.xml && sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime' # Find zmv in man because I need to look it up all the time ^^ man() { (test "$1" = "zmv" && LESS="$LESS+/^ *zmv *\\[" /usr/bin/man zshcontrib) || /usr/bin/man "$@" } sedcomment() { sed -i 's/$1/#\0/' "${@:2}" } seduncomment() { sed -i 's/#\($1\)/\0/' "${@:2}" } mozedit() ( set -eo pipefail file="$1" tmpfile="/tmp/$(basename $1).tmp" unsetopt multios # https://stackoverflow.com/a/58261480 # ( [[ -t 0 ]] && echo 'STDIN is attached to TTY' ) || cat { echo -en '\x02\x21\x4C\x18TT\x0\x0' && dd if="$file" bs=1 skip=12 } 2>&1 >"$tmpfile" | head -1 | cut -d+ -f1 | xargs printf "%04x\n" | read len tmpfile2="${tmpfile}2" cat "$tmpfile" | sed "s/TT/\\x${len:2:2}\\x${len:0:2}/" | unlz4 >"$tmpfile2" cat "$tmpfile2" | sed "$2" | lz4 -l | dd bs=1 skip=8 seek=12 of="$file" conv=notrunc ) theme_save="/tmp/theme" theme_default="$(d=$(date +%H) && test $d -gt 7 && test $d -lt 19 && echo light || echo dark)" theme() { theme="$1" if test "$2" = "kde" then kcmshell5 kcm_lookandfeel elif test "$theme" != "$THEME" -a "$2" != "q" then kcmshell5 kcm_lookandfeel & fi export THEME="$theme" echo "$theme">"$theme_save" #mozfile=$(find $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/ -maxdepth 2 -name addonStartup.json.lz4 | grep ".test") case "$theme" in (light) export BAT_THEME="OneHalfLight" konsoleprofile colors="Light" sed -i 's/#\(include.*\/light-256.theme\)/\1/' "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/taskrc" #mozedit $mozfile '/light@mozilla/,/"enabled"/ s/\("enabled":.*\)false/\1true/; /dark@mozilla/,/"enabled"/ s/\("enabled":.*\)true/\1false/' ;; (dark) export BAT_THEME="OneHalfDark" konsoleprofile colors="Breeze" sed -i 's/^include.*light-256.theme/#\0/' "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/taskrc" #mozedit $mozfile '/light@mozilla/,/"enabled"/ s/\("enabled":.*\)true/\1false/; /dark@mozilla/,/"enabled"/ s/\("enabled":.*\)false/\1true/' ;; esac } export THEME=$(cat "$theme_save" 2> /dev/null) export THEME=${THEME:-$theme_default} theme $THEME updateDeps() { name="$1" pattern="$2" depth="4" case $name in gradle-wrapper.properties) depth=6;; esac shift 2 oldversion="[0-9.]\+" while test $# -gt 1; do case "$1" in --pattern) oldversion="$2";; --version) version="$2";; esac shift 2 done echo name $name depth $depth pattern $oldversion version $version find -maxdepth $depth -type f -name $name | while read f do echo $f sed -i "s/\($pattern\)$oldversion/\1$version/gw /dev/stdout" $f done } alias updateKotlin="updateDeps build.gradle.kts 'kotlin(\"jvm\") version ' --version" alias updateGradle='updateDeps gradle-wrapper.properties "services.gradle.org\/distributions\/gradle-" --version' alias updateUtils='updateDeps build.gradle.kts '\''\"com.github.Xerus2000.util\", \".*\", \"'\'' --pattern '\''[^\"]\+'\'' --version' # Kill all shell background processes alias killbg='kill ${${(v)jobstates##*:*:}%=*}' # Kil all Java processes except IDEA # Pass "-9" to force-kill and "-q" to not output what has been killed killJava() { pgrep -f 'java' | while read id do if [[ $(ps --no-headers -o cmd $id) != *"idea"* ]]; then [[ "$@" == "-q" ]] || echo "killing $(ps -p $id -o pid,cmd --width 350 --no-headers)" if [[ "$@" == "-9" ]] then kill -9 $id else kill $id fi fi; done } clearNpmCache() { rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* rm -rf node_modules/ npm cache verify npm install } # NAVIGATION & DISK alias rcd="cd $PWD" cdd() { cd "$@" 2>/dev/null || cd "$(dirname "$1")" "${@:2}" } # Switch directory & ls cl() { builtin cd $1 ls --almost-all --group-directories-first --file-type } # Show type & contents of given files or PWD b() { arg=$(test $# -gt 0 && echo "${@: -1}" || echo .) file $arg | grep -v --color=never directory case "$(file --dereference $arg)" in *directory) ls -l --all --human-readable --dereference-command-line "$@";; *text*) bat --style=numbers "$@";; esac } wh() { b $(which "$@"); } # Go up a number of dirs up() { if [[ $# < 1 ]] ; then cd .. else CDSTR="" for i in {1..$1} ; do CDSTR="../$CDSTR" done cd $CDSTR fi } # shows size statistics for subfolders s() { case "$1" in [0-9]) local depth=$1; shift;; esac sudo du --max-depth "${depth:-1}" -xhat 50M "$@" | sort -h | grep -v "^0" } # disk size usage information alias sd='df -B1M -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs -x squashfs | awk -v a="\033[31m" -v b="\033[33m" -v c="\033[35m" -v n="\033[0m" '"'"'NR==1 {printf "%-20s %6s %7s %9s %s\n",$1,$5,$3,$4,$6} NR>1 {u=strtonum($5); printf (u > 99) ? a : (u > 97) ? b : (u > 94) ? c : ""; printf "%-20s %6s %6.1fG %8.1fG %s\n",$1,$5,$3/1000,$4/1000,$6; printf n}'"'" alias f='find -not -path "*.sync*" -and -not \( -name daten -prune \)' alias f1='find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1' # FILES alias lowercase='rename "y/A-Z/a-z/"' mkcd() { mkdir -p $1 && cd $1 } # Creates directory $2 and moves $1 into it mvk() { mkdir -p $(dirname "$2") mv "$1" "$2" } # Moves from $1 to $2 and creates a symlink in place of $2 mvln() { file=$(test -f "$1" && echo 1 || echo 0) if test -d $1; then mkdir -p "$2" mv -T $1 $2 else mv -v $1 $2 fi [ $file -gt 0 -a -d $2 ] && 2="$2/$(basename $1)" ln -vsr $2 $1 } # OTHER pathadd() { local IFS=":" local result="$@" unset IFS cat /etc/environment | head -1 | cut -d'"' -f2 | tr ":" "\n" | while read v; do [[ " $@ " =~ " $v " ]] || result+=":$v" done echo PATH=\"${result}\"\\n$(cat /etc/environment | tail -n +2) | sudo tee /etc/environment } writecompletion() { echo "#compdef $1" > "_$1" $EDITOR "_$1" } resetdocker() { #aptremove docker-ce kill $(ps -e | grep docker | cut -d' ' -f2) sudo rm -rf /var/run/docker /var/lib/docker sudo rm /var/run/docker.* #aptinstall docker-ce } # INSTALL addalternative() { sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/$1 $1 "$(which "$1$2")" 1 } snapinstall() { sudo snap install "$@" && refreshSetup } alias aptupdate='sudo apt-get update' alias aptremove='sudo apt-get remove' alias aptpurge='sudo apt-get purge' alias aptclean='sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove' upgrade() { if test $DIST = "neon" then sudo pkcon update else sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade fi sudo snap refresh flatpak update -y sudo npm update -g # npm -g outdated --parseable=true | cut -d : -f 4 | xargs -n 1 npm -g install } uma() { if test "$1" then printf 'y\nj\na' | umake "$1" "$2" "/opt/${3:-$2}" else uma ide idea-ultimate idea uma android android-studio android/android-studio && yes | /opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses && pathadd /opt/android/sdk/tools/bin /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools && sudo apt install qemu-kvm && sudo adduser janek kvm test -d "/opt/vscode" && uma ide visual-studio-code vscode fi } alias aptrepo='sudo add-apt-repository' _aptrepo_n="$(test "$OSTYPE" != "cygwin" && add-apt-repository --help | grep -- "-n")" aptrepon() { test $_aptrepo_n && aptrepo -y -n "$@" || aptrepo -y "$@" } aptrepos() { for repo in "$@" do aptrepon $repo done aptupdate } alias aptinstall='sudo apt-get install' aptinstalls() { apt-cache show "$1" | grep --color=never '\(Version\|Description\):' aptinstall "$@" } aptrepoinstall() { aptrepo -yu $1 if (( $# > 1 )) then aptinstall "${@:2}" else aptinstall "${1##*/}" fi } # Gets the download url for the latest release of a package provided via GitHub Releases # Usage: ghrelease USER REPO [PATTERN] ghrelease() { result=$(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/$1/$2/releases/latest" | grep -o "http.*${3:-deb}" | awk '{ print length(), $0}' | sort -n | cut -d' ' -f2-) echo "$result" | grep amd64 || echo "$result" } # Installs a local or remote(http/https) deb package and removes it after installation installdeb() { loc="/tmp/install.deb" case $1 in http*) wget -O "$loc" $1;; *) loc="$1";; esac sudo dpkg -i "$loc" "${@:2}" && sudo apt -f install && rm "$loc" } installgh() { installdeb $(ghrelease "$@") } # Downloads all dependencies of a package into the current directory download-debs() { apt-get download $1 && apt-cache depends -i $1 | awk '/Depends:/ {print $2}' | xargs apt-get download } # RANDOM typeset -A _clean_map if test "$BASH_VERSION" then _clean_map=([c]=$XDG_CACHE_HOME [t]=/var/tmp) else _clean_map=(c $XDG_CACHE_HOME t /var/tmp) fi _clean_folders=() clean() { for f in $_clean_folders do test -d $f && rm -rv $f done highlight "g to clean gradle" if [[ $1 =~ "g" ]]; then find ${GRADLE_USER_HOME:-$HOME/.gradle} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec rm -r {} \; -print find $projects_dir -name .gradle -print -exec rm -r {} \; fi highlight "m to clean mac-files" if [[ $1 =~ "m" ]]; then find -iname '.spotlight*' -print -exec rm -r {} \; find -name "*.DS_Store" -delete fi if test "$BASH_VERSION"; then for k in "${!_clean_map[@]}"; do highlight "$k to delete $_clean_map[$k]" echo "key : $k" echo "value: ${_clean_map[$k]}" done else for k in "${(@k)_clean_map}"; do highlight "$k to delete $_clean_map[$k]" [[ $1 =~ "$k" ]] && rm -rfv "$_clean_map[$k]" done fi aptclean_cur=$(cat "/var/log/apt/history.log" | wc -l) test "$aptclean_cur" -gt "$aptclean_last" && aptclean && echo "Cleaned apt" export aptclean_last=$aptclean_cur highlight "e to delete empty folders" [[ $1 =~ "e" ]] && find -empty -type d -delete -print } function zipdiff() { diff -W200 -y <(unzip -vql $1 | sort -k8) <(unzip -vql $2 | sort -k8) #--suppress-common-lines } # PROJECTS pdiff() { diff -r $1 $2 -x .git -x .idea -x .gradle } genssh() { mkdir -p ~/.ssh test -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub || ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N "" -C ${1:-$(hostname)} if test "$OSTYPE" = "cygwin" then cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub>/dev/clipboard else xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub fi && echo "SSH Public key copied to clipboard" } createproject() { mkcd $1 echo 'plugins { kotlin("jvm") version "1.3.41" application id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "5.1.0" id("com.github.ben-manes.versions") version "0.21.0" } sourceSets { main { java.srcDir("src/main") resources.srcDir("src/resources") } test { java.srcDir("src/test") } }' > build.gradle.kts } # SWAP alias memstat='free -h | awk '"'"'NR==2 {printf "Free memory:\t %s/%s\t(%d%)\n",$7,$2,$7*100/$2} NR==3 {if($2 != "0B") printf "Used swap:\t%s/%s\t(%d%)\n",$3,$2,$2*100/$3}'"'" stopswap() { memstat swap_used=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep SwapFree | awk '{print $2}') mem_available=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemAvailable | awk '{print $2}') if test $swap_used = 0 then echo "No swap is in use." elif test $swap_used + 100000 < $mem_available then echo "Freeing swap..." sudo swapoff -a sudo swapon -a memstat else echo "Not enough free memory!" fi }