set termguicolors set mouse=a " Enable mouse in all modes set undofile set wildmode=longest,list,full " Auto-completion set clipboard+=unnamedplus " Merge with system clipboard set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 " Indentation " visuals set number relativenumber " Relative line numbering on the left set wrap linebreak set cursorline cursorcolumn set scrolloff=7 sidescrolloff=20 " Keep some context when scrolling set colorcolumn=81,121 highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=grey guibg=#888888 " call matchadd('ColorColumn', '\%81v', 100) " search set incsearch hlsearch " Handier search, even though nvim seems to enable it by default set ignorecase smartcase " Only search case-sensitive when searching with uppercase " matching set showmatch " Highlight matching parenthesis set matchpairs+=<:> " More pairings for '%' set splitright " Vertical split to right by default set diffopt+=vertical " Folding set foldmethod=marker " Use triple curly braces for folds set foldopen+=jump " Automatically open folds on jump " FILETYPES syntax on filetype plugin on autocmd FileType json syntax match Comment +\/\/.\+$+ " Comment highlighting in JSON autocmd Filetype * set formatoptions-=o " Don't automatically comment on o " custom hardcoded types autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile $SHELL_CONFIG/* set filetype=zsh autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile www.mixxx.org_wiki* set filetype=dokuwiki scrolloff=1 set spelllang=en_us,de_de autocmd FileType markdown setlocal spell " Spell checking in markdown " Center on insert mode autocmd InsertEnter * norm zz