# A tool for managing multiple git projects quickly.
# Simply source this in your bashrc or zshrc.
# This assumes a common directory that contains all projects.
# Subfolders are detected as well.
# You can set $PROJECTS before or after sourcing this script, or adjust it below.
# The regular command is "p status" to update all projects and show their status.

# Common root for all projects

# The max depth to search for when listing projects.
# The actual depth is this value minus one,
# since it searches for ".git" folders at that depth.

# Lists all projects under the current directory or $PROJECTS if none are found.
# Searches for ".git" folders and lists their parent directories.
listprojects() {
	find $1 -mindepth 1 -maxdepth $_projects_subfolder_level -type d \
		-path "${1:-.}/*/.git" -exec dirname {} \; -o \
		-name "_*" -o -name ".*" -prune ||
			{ test $# -eq 0 && listprojects $PROJECTS }

# Underline the project names
highlight() { echo "$1"; }

# Open or select a project
project() {
	if [ -d $2 ]
	then cd "$2" && git origin "$@"
	else git get "$@"

# Lists all projects and evaluates the given command.
projects() {
	test "$1" = "--all" && all="$1" && shift
	case $1 in
		# Builds all found gradle projects in parallel and then prints the results in batches
		# WARNING: This is likely to considerably slow down your computer!
		listprojects $all | while read d; do
			if test "$(find $d -maxdepth 1 -name "*gradle*")"; then
				builtin cd $d
				buildlog="/tmp/build-$(basename $d)"
				(nohup gradle build --no-daemon --console=rich &>$buildlog; highlight $(basename $d | awk '{print toupper($0)}') && cat $buildlog) &
		# Puts the diffs of all projects into a single diffs.txt in the current directory
		listprojects $all | while read d; do
			echo $(basename $d)>>diffs.txt
			git -C $d diff -G.>>diffs.txt
			printf "\n">>diffs.txt
		# Sets the current branch upstream to a remote branch of the same name, updates it and shows "git status -s -b"
		listprojects $all | while read d; do
			builtin cd $d
			highlight $(basename $d)
			git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/$(git curbranch)>/dev/null
			git pull --all | grep -v "Already up to date."
			git status -s -b
		# A one-line summary of the status of each project
		# and execute the command entered on every project
		listprojects $all | while read d; do
			builtin cd $d
			if [[ $com != gradle* ]] || (( $(f1 -name "*gradle*" | wc -l) > 0 )); then
				local st=()
				local ahead=$(command git rev-list "${branch_name}"@{upstream}..HEAD 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
				test $ahead -gt 0 && st+=("ahead $ahead")
				local behind=$(command git rev-list HEAD.."${branch_name}"@{upstream} 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
				test $behind -gt 0 && st+=("behind $behind")
				local stashes=$(git stash list | wc -l)
				test $stashes -gt 0 && st+=("stashed $stashes")
				test "$st" && name+=" [$(IFS=, eval 'JOINED="${st[*]}"' && echo $JOINED)]"
				highlight $(basename $d)
				eval "$com"
	builtin cd $PROJECTS