#!/bin/sh -e
umask 0
case $ACTION in
	(add) id=1;;
	(remove) id=0;;
	(*) id=$(! test -c /dev/ttyACM0 -o -c /dev/model01; echo $?);;
echo "Keyboard layout update to $id($ACTION) at $(/usr/bin/date)"
export XAUTHORITY="/run/user/1000/Xauthority" DISPLAY=:0

xkbstate="$(dirname $(dirname $0))/xkblayout-state"
test "$($xkbstate print %C)" -gt 1 && $xkbstate set $id
# Swap semicolon and colon
# https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/615799/swap-semicolon-colon-to-p-unexpected-cause-semicolon-colon-affected-by-cpas-lock
# test "$id" = "eu" && xmodmap -e 'keysym semicolon = colon semicolon colon semicolon'
if test "$id" = "1"
then	setxkbmap eu -option "" && xmodmap -e 'keysym semicolon = colon semicolon colon semicolon'
else	setxkbmap de nodeadkeys caps:swapescape
} 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/scripts.log