[core] autocrlf = input editor = nvim [diff] tool = meld [submodule] recurse = true [rerere] enabled = true # Accelerate packing by automatically determining thread count [pack] threads = 0 # Automatically push to branch with matching name [push] default = current # Disable pagination for branch commmand by default [pager] branch = false [grep] lineNumber [color "status"] added = green changed = yellow untracked = magenta [user] email = 27jf@pm.me name = xerus [alias] curbranch = symbolic-ref --short HEAD root = rev-parse --show-toplevel dir = !git root | sed 's/$/\\/.git/g' [filter "lfs"] clean = git-lfs clean -- %f smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f process = git-lfs filter-process required