.config | ||
.local | ||
.audacity-data | ||
.bash_aliases | ||
.bitsquid | ||
.face | ||
.factorio | ||
.ftblauncher | ||
.gdbinit | ||
.ghci | ||
.ignore | ||
.mailcap | ||
.minetest | ||
.neurovoider | ||
.pinforc | ||
.wget-hsts | ||
.xinitrc | ||
.Xmodmap##hostname.elephant-arch | ||
.Xresources | ||
.zshenv | ||
README.org |
I mainly use Arch Linux, currently with the KDE desktop environment with the intention of moving a tiling WM (Awesome or Sway) soon.
If you are looking to snag some of my handy tools,
focus on /janek/dotfiles/src/commit/49810e62392482f9587f3a3774266b4219f2744a/.local/bin/scripts and /janek/dotfiles/src/commit/49810e62392482f9587f3a3774266b4219f2744a/.config/shell.
Among daily use are b
, edbin
, edconf
, edit
, help
, yas
and zoxide-based d
/ di
which in turn use zfz
, zf
& locz
, m
, moul
, rpl
, s
, sd
, tl
, walli
are also commonly used conveniences.
I am trying to keep my home clean,
but some files unfortunately cannot be moved.
Out of these, only .zprofile is of interest,
it contains lots of mappings to store files according to XDG
and configuration for less
and fzf
- shell
- shell aliases & functions grouped into a few different areas, focused on zsh but mostly usable with bash
- zsh
- zsh plugin configuration & custom completions
- doom
- Doom Emacs configuration with personalized snippets
- ideavim, vifm, nvim
- vi-related tools
- git, yadm
- version control
- scripts
- lots of useful scripts, most have a short documentation header - including many essential git scripts
pacman -Qe | cut -d\ -f1 | xclip -selection clipboard
- essentials
- curl git zsh bat neovim man-db
- basic tools
- tree wget texinfo man-pages base-devel fzf topgrade expect fd ripgrep zsh-completions python-pynvim unrar mlocate
- dotfiles
yadm clone git@git.jfischer.org:xeruf/dotfiles.git yadm clone https://git.jfischer.org/xeruf/dotfiles.git
- utilities
- youtube-dl dos2unix
- powertools
- hexedit hexyl lftp glances zsh-doc pacman-contrib
- multitools
- ffmpeg imagemagick pandoc
- music
mpd mpc ncmpc vlc phonon-qt5-vlc mpdris2
mkdir -p ~/.local/state/mpd && systemctl --user enable --now mpd mpDris2
- music management
puddletag beets picard ffmpegthumbnailer sox
sudo npm install -g bpm
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git /tmp/yay
cd /tmp/yay
makepkg -si
- aur recommendations
- tldr++ sc-im espanso diffr timg audiowaveform
- bluetooth
- bluez bluez-utils pulseaudio-bluetooth
- git tools
- git-bug git-lfs git-crypt git-remote-gcrypt github-cli
- pass
- pass pass-otp pass-extension-tail pass-clip -> interesting: pass-steam, pass-autotype, pass-file, pass-qr, pass-ssh, pass-rotate
- ssh
- openssh sshfs lemonade-git
- sync
systemctl enable --now syncthing
- productivity
- activitywatch-bin jrnl
- personal aur utils (only useful with dotfiles)
bat-extras neovim-symlinks stderred-git rdictcc-git
pip install beautifulsoup4
- experiments
- kakoune
- video
- vlc obs-studio kdenlive
- music production
- lilypond lilypond-docs timidity++ chordpro-git musescore mixxx-beta-git
- office
- libreoffice-fresh emacs texlive-core texlive-latexextra context-bin
- communication
- zulip-desktop-bin ferdi-bin
- hacking
- etcher-bin
- health
stretchly-xeruf-git redshift acpilight light
scu enable --now redshift
-> https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/pm1bxn/setting_brightness_on_amd_ryzen_7_5800h_with
- xorg
- xorg-xserver xorg-xkill xorg-setxkbmap xorg-xinit xterm xclip xprintidle light
- wayland
- sway azote
- kde
- plasma-desktop plasma-nm spectacle breeze systemsettings konsole ktorrent dolphin kdeplasma-addons kinfocenter partitionmanager kdeconnect kwallet-pam kwalletmanager ksshaskpass okular bluedevil
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/emacs && ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/emacs/bin/doom -y install
- offlineimap mu
Firefox Addons
Password management
Pass - the unix password manager
Store all kinds of secrets in plain text https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/passff
MasterPassword - the stateless password manager
> Keep different passwords for every site you log into without having to remember anything but a single master password. > And without the risk of your getting your password list stolen. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/masterpassword-firefox
yays intellij-idea-ultimate-edition intellij-idea-ultimate-edition-jre \ jdk-openjdk java-openjfx jdk8-openjdk java8-openjfx archlinux-java set jdk8-openjdk yays clion clion-jre cmake gdb python-pre-commit
yays android-udev android-tools adbfs-rootless-git android-studio
After running android-studio setup, accept licenses:
$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses
Server (Debian)
Setup systemd-resolved and systemd-networkd
- tools
- fd-find locate
- rust
cargo install zoxide diffr
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
- ssh (Ubuntu)
- lemonade openssh
- webserver
- sudo apt install snapd nginx && snap install certbot
- social
- pleroma-bin postgresql caddy