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16 KiB
Raw Blame History

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# Shell aliases & functions for Zsh, almost all work for Bash too
# zsh helpers {{{1
if test "$ZSH_NAME" = "zsh"
alias -g ___='"$(eval "$(fc -ln -1)" | tail -n 1)"'
alias -g B="| xargs bat"
alias -g G="| grp"
alias -g X="| xargs -d '\n' -L 1"
alias -g X1="| xargs -d '\n' -n 1"
alias -g XC="| xclip -selection clipboard"
alias -g L="--color=always | ${PAGER:-less}"
alias -g T=" | tree -C --fromfile . | less -F"
# Edit zsh completion
edcomp() {
file=$(echo "$1" | sed 's/^\([^_]\)/_\1/')
$EDITOR "${fpath[-1]}/$file"
unfunction "$file" && compinit
compdef "_files -W ${fpath[-1]}/" edcomp
writecompletion() {
echo "#compdef $1" > "_$1"
$EDITOR "_$1"
compdef() { true; }
# data directory aliases {{{1
if test -d "$DATA"; then
da=$(builtin cd $DATA/_* && pwd)
d1=$(builtin cd $DATA/1* && pwd)
d2=$(builtin cd $DATA/2* && pwd)
d3=$(builtin cd $DATA/3* && pwd)
d4=$(builtin cd $DATA/4* && pwd)
d5=$(builtin cd $DATA/5* && pwd)
fi 2>/dev/null
ulimit -c unlimited # Enable core dumps
which lsb_release >/dev/null && export DIST=$(lsb_release --id | cut -d' ' -f2) || true
unalias rd 2>/dev/null
# System help {{{1
compdef help=man
alias info='info --vi-keys'
h() {
help "$@"
# TODO resolve aliases in 'h' alias
# TODO call 'wh' on scripts instead
xtrace() {
set -x
set +x
# Shows source code for command, resolving nested aliases
wh() {
res=$(which "$@") || return $?
if expr "$res" : "${@:$#}: aliased to" >/dev/null && ! expr "$res" : ".*builtin" >/dev/null
then echo "$res" | bat --style=plain --language=sh &&
tool="$(echo "$res" | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f$(expr 5 '&' "$res" : ".*to \(sudo\|noglob\) " '|' 4) | cut -d'(' -f2)"
wh $(test $tool = $1 && echo "-p") $tool
# use command which for other shells
else test -r "$res" && b -- --language=sh "$res" || echo "$res" | bat --style=plain --language=sh
compdef wh=which
pathadd() {
local IFS=":"
local result="$@"
unset IFS
cat /etc/environment | head -1 | cut -d'"' -f2 | tr ":" "\n" | while read v
do [[ " $@ " =~ " $v " ]] || result+=":$v"
echo PATH=\"${result}\"\\n$(cat /etc/environment | tail -n +2) | sudo tee /etc/environment
# ZSH completion and stuff {{{1
alias rs="reset && source $HOME/.zshenv && exec $SHELL"
alias hist='print -z $(history | grep -v "killm " | tac | fzf --tiebreak=index --bind='"'"'del:execute(sed "\;$(echo {4..})$d" -i.bak $HISTFILE)'"'"' | sed "s|^ \+||" | cut -d" " -f5-)'
# Edit shell config files
# Exit code 1 - no change, 2 - file not found
edshell() {
case $1 in
(zsh) file="$CONFIG_ZSH/.zshrc";;
(env) file="$HOME/.zshenv";;
(-f) term=$2
grepfile="$(grep --recursive "^ *\($term()\|alias[^=]* $term=\)" $CONFIG_SHELLS -n -m 1)"
file="$(echo "$grepfile" | cut -d':' -f1)"
line="$(echo "$grepfile" | cut -d':' -f2)"
test -f "$file" || return 2;;
(*) file="$(find $CONFIG_SHELLS -name "$1*" | head -1 | grep . || echo "$CONFIG_SHELLS/$1")";;
test -f "$file" && checksum="$(md5sum "$file")"
$EDITOR "$(test "$line" && case "$EDITOR" in (nvim) echo "+normal! ${line}ggzx";; (*vi*) echo "+$line";; (emacs*|*/emacs*) echo "+${line}";; esac || echo "--")" "${file%:*}"
test -s "$file" || return 1
test "$checksum" != "$(md5sum $file)" && rs
# Edit a file in the PATH
edbin() {
# TODO resolve simple alias
if f="$(which $1 2>/dev/null)" && test -f "$f"
then edit "$f"
else edshell -f "$1"
test $? != 2 || edit "$HOME/.local/bin/${2:-scripts}/$1"
# Task management & time tracking {{{1
t() {
if test "$#" -eq 0 && which tn >/dev/null
then tn
if test "$1" = "do"
then shift && test "$1" -gt 0 2>/dev/null && task mod sched:today "$@" || task add sched:today "$@"
else task "$@"
alias tw='timew'
# Create a temporary timewarrior database for testing
alias twtest='( cp -r "$TIMEWARRIORDB" /tmp/tw-bak && TIMEWARRIORDB=/tmp/timewarriordb-test/$(date +%s) && mkdir -p "$TIMEWARRIORDB"/data && :> "$TIMEWARRIORDB"/timewarrior.cfg && $SHELL )'
# Systemd {{{1
alias syslog='less +F /var/log/syslog'
alias sc='sudo systemctl'
alias sce='sudo systemctl enable --now' # TODO or show log
alias scd='sudo systemctl disable --now'
scs() {
export SYSTEMD_COLORS=true
systemctl --user status "$1" 2>/dev/null ||
systemctl --user status "*$1*"
sudo -E systemctl status "$1" 2>/dev/null ||
sudo -E systemctl status "*$1*"
) | less -F
alias scu='systemctl --user'
alias scue='systemctl --user enable --now'
alias scud='systemctl --user disable --now'
# Reload or restart matching systemctl service
unalias scr 2>/dev/null
scr() {
echo -n "User: "
systemctl --user reload-or-restart "$1" ||
{ echo -n "System: " && sudo systemctl reload-or-restart "$1"; } &&
echo "Successful reload"
# Restart matching systemctl service with time for adjustments inbetween
scb() {
systemctl --user stop --show-transaction "$1"
sudo systemctl stop --show-transaction "$1"
systemctl --user start --show-transaction "$1"
sudo systemctl start --show-transaction "$1"
alias jch='sudo SYSTEMD_LESS=FRKiM journalctl --no-hostname'
alias jcl='jch --boot --lines 15' # list - quick overview
alias jce='jch --pager-end' # end - all logs
alias jcf='jch --follow' # follow - monitor logs
alias jc='jcl --unit' # list unit - quick overview
alias jcj='jce -o json-pretty --unit' # JSON View
# Applications {{{1
# Shorthands
alias v='edit'
alias st='synct'
which dtrx >/dev/null && alias ex='dtrx'
alias expr='noglob expr'
alias get='noglob ='
# Shortcuts
alias kc='kdeconnect-cli --refresh && kdeconnect-cli --list-devices'
alias logoff="loginctl terminate-user $USER"
alias calb='rlwrap -a bc -l'
alias dt='python -c "import time;print(time.asctime(time.localtime()))"'
# Process
alias println='printf "\n"'
alias myip="curl && println && curl"
alias dedup='awk '"'"'!a[$0]++'"'"
alias lar='last | tac'
alias lst='( last; last -f /var/log/wtmp.1 ) | grep -v "pts/" | tac | less +G'
alias hedgedoc="tmux kill-session -t hedgedoc; builtin cd '$d4/dev/_forks/hedgedoc' && tmux new-session -s hedgedoc -d 'yarn run dev' \; split-window -h 'nodemon --watch app.js --watch lib --watch locales --watch config.json app.js' \; ls"
alias rm='rm -I'
del() {
# TODO use current partition and clean on reboot via cron
#mkdir $trash
m "$@" $trash
u() {
which pacman-mirrors >/dev/null &&
sudo pacman-mirrors --geoip &&
sudo pacman -Syy
if which topgrade >/dev/null
test -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/emacs" &&
builtin cd $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/emacs &&
git pull --rebase && doom sync -u
# TODO autodetect failure in emacs and rebuild it completely
else yadm l
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
# Networking
dns() {
drill A @ -Q "$@"
drill AAAA @ -Q "$@"
sshl() {
test "$1" = "-a" && shift && local all=true
lemonade server -allow &
local authcache="/var/tmp/ssh-keys"
mkdir -p "$authcache"
test "$all" && pass scp ~/.bash_aliases "$@:"
if ssh -G "$1" | grep --silent "^user root$"
then TERM=xterm-256color pass ssh "$@"
test ! -e "$file" &&
ssh-copy-id -i "$(ssh -G "$1" |
grep --max-count 1 "^identityfile " |
cut -d " " -f2- |
sed "s|^~|$HOME|")" "$1" &&
touch "$file"
TERM=xterm-256color kitty +kitten ssh -R 2489: "$@"
return $?
alias delta="sudo systemctl restart openvpn-client@deltaPeak.service || jcl --unit openvpn-client@deltaPeak.service"
# Listen to loopback of mic
alias listen='pactl load-module module-loopback; echo "Press Enter to stop"; read; pactl unload-module module-loopback'
alias startMinecraftServer='curl | xclip -sel clip && cd ~/daten/games/sharedgames/minecraft/server && java -jar forge-1.12.2- -mx 8G'
alias sqli='rlwrap sqlite3 -column -header -cmd .tables'
alias usergroups="cat /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f1 | xargs -n 1 id"
p() { pass "$@" || pass edit "$@"; }
alias omd="(echo '#+OPTIONS: tags:nil'; xclip -o -selection clipboard) | pandoc -f org-auto_identifiers -t markdown --wrap preserve | xclip -filter"
alias mdo="pandoc -f gfm-ascii_identifiers-gfm_auto_identifiers -t org-auto_identifiers --wrap preserve"
alias mdox="xclip -o -selection clipboard | mdo | xclip -filter"
alias f="fossil"
alias fs="fossil status"
alias fc="fossil commit -v"
fdf() {
fossil diff "$@" | diffr --colors refine-added:none:background:0x33,0x66,0x33:bold --colors added:none:background:0x33,0x44,0x33 --colors refine-removed:none:background:0x66,0x33,0x33:bold --colors removed:none:background:0x44,0x33,0x33 | less -F
alias gdiff='git diff --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=. --no-index'
# Default grep with some convenience flags
alias grpc='grep --color=auto --line-number --binary-files=without-match --directories=skip'
# Default grep with some niceties and ignoring case
alias grp='grpc --ignore-case'
# Grep recursively and paginate
# TODO remove some prefixes \([^ ]*/\)\?
grpr() { grp --color=always --recursive $(echo $DIRS_IGNORE | sed 's|-x |--exclude-dir |g') "$@" | less -FX; }
# Grep in shell config files
grsh() { grpr --no-ignore-case "$@" $HOME/.{ba,z}sh* $HOME/.local/bin $CONFIG_SHELLS $CONFIG_ZSH; }
# Recover stray swap files from neovim
vrec() {
ls "$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/swap/$1" | sed 's/\%/\//g' | sed 's|\(.*\)\..*|\1|' | head -1 | xargs --no-run-if-empty nvim
alias vrecd="ls $XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/swap | head -1 | xargs -r -i mv {} /tmp"
# I think this was something about recovering backup files
unv() { strings $1 | sed 's/5$//' | dedup; }
alias hx='sudo hexedit --maximize --color'
# Paginated hexyl
hex() { hexyl "$@" | "${PAGER:-less}"; }
export DICT="$XDG_DATA_HOME/dictcc"
alias dic="cat $DICT/dict.txt | sed '/#/d;/&/d;/^$/d' | fzy"
#fzf --tiebreak=length --bind='alt-bspace:clear-query'
alias dict="rlwrap rdictcc --directory $DICT"
alias dict_update="dict -i $DICT/dict.txt"
npm-reinstall() {
rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-*
rm -rf node_modules/
npm cache verify
npm install
# Reconnect to ONKYO since it is buggy
alias onkyo='bluetoothctl disconnect 00:09:B0:1D:DC:98 && sleep 1 && bluetoothctl connect 00:09:B0:1D:DC:98'
# Custom tools {{{1
sedcomment() { sed -i "s/$1/#\0/" "${@:2}"; }
seduncomment() { sed -i "s/#\($1\)/\0/" "${@:2}"; }
updateDeps() {
case $name in
( depth=6;;
shift 2
while test $# -gt 1; do
case "$1" in
(--pattern) oldversion="$2";;
(--version) version="$2";;
shift 2
echo name $name depth $depth pattern $oldversion version $version
find -maxdepth $depth -type f -name $name | while read f
do highlight $f
sed -i "s/\($pattern\)$oldversion/\1$version/gw /dev/stdout" $f
alias updateKotlin="updateDeps build.gradle.kts 'kotlin(\"jvm\") version ' --version"
alias updateGradle='updateDeps "\/distributions\/gradle-" --version'
alias updateUtils="updateDeps build.gradle.kts '"'"com.github.Xerus2000.util", ".*", "'" --pattern '[^\"]\+' --version"
# Kill all shell background processes
alias killbg='kill ${${(v)jobstates##*:*:}%=*}'
# Kill all processes that match
killm() {
ps ax | grep "$1" | grep -v grep | sed 's/\([^ ]\) .*/\1/' |
xargs --no-run-if-empty kill --verbose "${@:2}"
# Kil all Java processes except IDEA
# Pass "-9" to force-kill and "-q" to not output what has been killed
killJava() {
pgrep -f 'java' | while read id
do if [[ $(ps --no-headers -o cmd $id) != *"idea"* ]]; then
[[ "$@" == "-q" ]] || echo "killing $(ps -p $id -o pid,cmd --width 350 --no-headers)"
if [[ "$@" == "-9" ]]
then kill -9 $id
else kill $id
fi; done
# Files {{{1
alias l="ls -l --almost-all --human-readable --group-directories-first --file-type"
if which fd >/dev/null
then fn() { $(which fd >/dev/null && echo fd || echo fdfind) --hidden --no-ignore-vcs --one-file-system "$@" | less -F; } # [F]ind [n]o ignore
alias ff="noglob fn --color=always " # [F]ind [F]ile
compdef ff=fd
compdef fn=fd
alias ff='find -not -path "*.sync*" -and -not \( -name daten -prune \)'
alias f1='find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1'
lowercase_transliterate="y/A-Z /a-z-/"
which perl-rename >/dev/null &&
alias lowercase="perl-rename -iv '$lowercase_transliterate'" ||
alias lowercase="rename -iv '$lowercase_transliterate'"
# TODO replace cp by rsync, automatically use compression for remote transfers
# rsync directory properly - suffix both dirs with / to act on contents
alias rcn='rsync -v --recursive --human-readable --links --dry-run'
rcd() { rcn --size-only "$@" | tail +2 | tree --fromfile . | less -F; }
alias rc='rcs --links --times'
alias rcu='rc --existing --size-only'
alias rcs='rsync --recursive --info=progress2,remove,symsafe,flist,del --human-readable'
alias dsync='rc --delete --specials'
alias move='rc --remove-source-files'
alias rdiff='rsync --recursive --progress --delete --links --dry-run'
alias rdiffe='rdiff --existing --size-only'
compdef rcd=rsync
# Swap the names of two files
swap() {
test $# -eq 2 || exit 1
mv -n $1 $1.tmp
mv -n $2 $1
mv -n $1.tmp $2
compdef swap=mv
# mv with automatic sudo if neccessary
smv() {
test -w "$1" && test -w "$(dirname $2)" && mv "$@" || sudo mv "$@"
compdef smv=mv
# Rename the file inside its directory
mvf() {
smv "$1" "$(dirname $1)/$2"
# Move from $1 to $2 and create a relative symlink
mvln() {
file=$(test -f "$1" && echo 1 || echo 0)
if test -d $1; then
mkdir -p "$2"
mv -vT $1 $2
m $1 $2
[ $file -gt 0 -a -d $2 ] && 2="$2/$(basename $1)"
echo -n "Linking: " && ln -vsr "$2" "$1"
compdef mvln=mv
# Move the given file into an xdg dir (default XDG_DATA_HOME) and create a symlink
mvx() {
mvln "$1" "${2:-$XDG_DATA_HOME}/${1#.}"
yadm add "$1" ".config/$1" 2>/dev/null
# Create directory and move into it
mkcd() {
mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1"
compdef mkcd=mkdir
# Other stuff {{{1
# This is a function rather than a script as it potentially needs to cd out of the directory
umoul() {
local arg
# get the last arg
for arg; do true; done
if test "$arg"
then mountpoint="$(test -d "$arg" && realpath "$arg" || echo "${MNT:-${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/mnt}/$arg")"
mountpoint "$mountpoint" 2>/dev/null || test -b "$mountpoint" ||
mountpoint="$(mount --show-labels | grep "$arg" | cut -d' ' -f3)"
test "$mountpoint" || return 1
else mountpoint="$PWD"
while test "$mountpoint" != "/"; do
mountpoint "$mountpoint" >/dev/null && break
mountpoint="$(dirname "$mountpoint")"
test "$(dirname "$mountpoint")" = "/" && return 1
case "$PWD" in
("$mountpoint"*) builtin cd "$(dirname $mountpoint)";;
# pass on all args except last
moul -u "${@:1:$(((# > 1) ? #-1 : 0))}" "$mountpoint"
resetdocker() {
#aptremove docker-ce
kill $(ps -e | grep docker | cut -d' ' -f2)
sudo rm -rf /var/run/docker /var/lib/docker
sudo rm /var/run/docker.*
#aptinstall docker-ce
function zipdiff() {
diff -W200 -y <(unzip -vql $1 | sort -k8) <(unzip -vql $2 | sort -k8) #--suppress-common-lines
alias memstat='free -h | awk '"'"'NR==2 {printf "Free memory:\t %s/%s\t(%d%)\n",$7,$2,$7*100/$2} NR==3 {if($2 != "0B") printf "Used swap:\t%s/%s\t(%d%)\n",$3,$2,$2*100/$3}'"'"
stopswap() {
swap_used=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep SwapFree | awk '{print $2}')
mem_available=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemAvailable | awk '{print $2}')
if test $swap_used = 0
then echo "No swap is in use."
elif test $swap_used + 100000 < $mem_available
then echo "Freeing swap..."
sudo swapoff -a
sudo swapon -a
echo "Not enough free memory!"