
10 lines
591 B
Executable File

# shows size statistics for subfolders
# max depth is equal to the first argument if it is a number or 1
export chars=$(expr $(tput cols) - 60)
case "$1" in (+*) size=${1#+}; depth=2; shift;; esac
case "$1" in ([0-9]) depth=$1; shift;; esac
(du --max-depth "${depth:-1}" -xhat ${size:-50}M "$@" | sort -h | grep -v "^0") |
while read line; do echo "$(tput smso)$line$(tput rmso) $(pacman -Qqo $(echo $line | awk '{print $2}') 2>/dev/null | paste -s -d',' | sed "s/\(.\{${chars}\}\).*/\1.../")"; done || #| column -t ||
(du --max-depth "${depth:-1}" -xha "$@" | sort -h | tail)