2024-12-06 22:35:31 +00:00
from typing import Dict
from pynostr . event import Event
from pynostr . relay_manager import RelayManager
from pynostr . key import PrivateKey
from pynostr . key import PublicKey
from zulip_bots . lib import AbstractBotHandler
def parse_pubkey ( key_str : str ) - > PublicKey :
try :
return PublicKey . from_hex ( key_str )
except ( ValueError , TypeError ) :
pass # try to load as npub if hex fails
try :
return PublicKey . from_npub ( key_str )
except ( ValueError , TypeError ) :
return None
class MostrHandler :
""" A Zulip bot for Mostr """
def usage ( self ) - > str :
return " Send me a message to create a task! "
def initialize ( self , bot_handler : AbstractBotHandler ) - > None :
self . config_info = bot_handler . get_config_info ( ' mostr ' )
self . relay = self . config_info [ ' relay ' ]
self . relays = RelayManager ( )
self . relays . add_relay ( self . relay )
self . key = PrivateKey . from_nsec ( self . config_info [ ' key ' ] ) . hex ( )
print ( ' Connecting to relay ' , self . relay )
# TODO React to all group messages
def handle_message ( self , message : Dict [ str , str ] , bot_handler : AbstractBotHandler ) - > None :
username = message . get ( ' sender_full_name ' )
print ( ' Received ' , message , ' from ' , username )
# Tags
if message . get ( ' type ' ) == ' private ' and len ( message . get ( ' display_recipient ' ) ) < 3 :
context = f " s { message . get ( ' sender_id ' ) } "
else :
context = f " r { message . get ( ' recipient_id ' ) } "
try :
hashtags = list ( filter ( None , bot_handler . storage . get ( context ) . split ( " # " ) ) )
except KeyError :
hashtags = [ ]
print ( ' Context ' , context , ' contains ' , hashtags )
if message [ ' content ' ] . startswith ( " # " ) :
hashtags . extend ( filter ( None , message [ ' content ' ] . split ( ' # ' ) ) )
bot_handler . send_reply ( message , f " Active Hashtags: { hashtags } " )
if hashtags :
result = bot_handler . storage . put ( context , ' # ' . join ( set ( hashtags ) ) )
if message [ ' content ' ] . startswith ( " - " ) :
to_remove = message [ ' content ' ] . replace ( ' - ' , ' # ' ) . split ( ' # ' )
hashtags = [ t for t in hashtags if t not in to_remove ]
bot_handler . send_reply ( message , f " Active Hashtags: { hashtags } " )
bot_handler . storage . put ( context , ' # ' . join ( hashtags ) )
# Initial Feedback
if len ( message [ ' content ' ] ) < 4 :
if message . get ( ' type ' ) == ' private ' :
bot_handler . send_reply ( message , " That task name seems a bit short! " )
else :
bot_handler . react ( message , ' question ' )
bot_handler . react ( message , ' working_on_it ' )
# Assignee Public Key
pubkey = None
user = message . get ( ' sender_id ' ) or message . get ( ' sender_email ' )
if user :
# TODO Need proper verification, which is not done by pynostr
# A public key is generally also a valid private key, apparently
# try:
# privkey = PrivateKey.from_hex(message['content'])
# bot_handler.send_reply(message, f"Whoa that looks like a private key! Please delete it swiftly. This is the corresponding private key: {privkey.public_key}")
# return
# except:
# pass
# Parse pubkey from storage or message
key = f " pubkey_ { user } "
if message [ ' content ' ] :
pubkey = parse_pubkey ( message [ ' content ' ] )
if pubkey :
bot_handler . storage . put ( key , pubkey . npub )
bot_handler . send_reply ( message , " New pubkey set! " )
try :
pubkey = PublicKey . from_npub ( bot_handler . storage . get ( key ) )
except ( KeyError , IndexError ) :
if message . get ( ' type ' ) == ' private ' :
bot_handler . send_reply ( message , " Please send me your public key for proper attribution " )
# auto-assign via username matching, extract hashtags
tags = list ( map ( lambda tag : [ ' t ' , tag ] , hashtags or [ ' zulip ' ] ) )
if pubkey :
tags . append ( [ ' p ' , pubkey . hex ( ) ] )
event = Event ( content = message [ ' content ' ] , kind = 1621 , tags = tags )
event . sign ( self . key )
print ( ' Publishing ' , event )
self . relays . publish_event ( event )
self . relays . run_sync ( )
if message . get ( ' type ' ) == ' private ' :
bot_handler . send_reply ( message , f " Sent ` { event } ` to { self . relay } " )
else :
if hasattr ( bot_handler , ' _client ' ) :
bot_handler . _client . remove_reaction ( { ' message_id ' : message [ ' id ' ] , ' emoji_name ' : ' working_on_it ' } )
bot_handler . react ( message , ' check ' )
def __del__ ( self ) :
2024-12-06 23:18:06 +00:00
if hasattr ( self , ' relays ' ) :
self . relays . close_connections ( )
print ( ' Terminated Mostr Bot ' )
2024-12-06 22:35:31 +00:00
handler_class = MostrHandler