refactor(tasks): extract more modules

This commit is contained in:
xeruf 2024-12-06 23:28:06 +01:00
parent 77bc359d8a
commit d85ff3ac8d
5 changed files with 262 additions and 247 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::task::MARKER_PARENT;
use crate::tasks::nostr_users::NostrUsers;
use crate::tasks::NostrUsers;
use crate::tasks::HIGH_PRIO;
use itertools::Itertools;
use nostr_sdk::{EventBuilder, EventId, Kind, PublicKey, Tag, TagKind, TagStandard};

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
pub(crate) mod nostr_users;
mod nostr_users;
mod tests;
mod children_traversal;
mod durations;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
@ -17,7 +19,9 @@ use crate::helpers::{
use crate::kinds::*;
use crate::task::{State, StateChange, Task, MARKER_DEPENDS, MARKER_PARENT, MARKER_PROPERTY};
use crate::tasks::nostr_users::NostrUsers;
use crate::tasks::children_traversal::ChildrenTraversal;
use crate::tasks::durations::{referenced_events, timestamps, Durations};
pub use crate::tasks::nostr_users::NostrUsers;
use colored::Colorize;
use itertools::Itertools;
use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn};
@ -39,7 +43,7 @@ pub(crate) fn now() -> Timestamp {
type TaskMap = HashMap<EventId, Task>;
trait TaskMapMethods {
pub(super) trait TaskMapMethods {
fn children_of<'a>(&'a self, task: &'a Task) -> impl Iterator<Item=&Task> + 'a;
fn children_for<'a>(&'a self, id: Option<EventId>) -> impl Iterator<Item=&Task> + 'a;
fn children_ids_for<'a>(&'a self, id: EventId) -> impl Iterator<Item=EventId> + 'a;
@ -52,7 +56,6 @@ impl TaskMapMethods for TaskMap {
fn children_for<'a>(&'a self, id: Option<EventId>) -> impl Iterator<Item=&Task> + 'a {
self.values().filter(move |t| t.parent_id() == id.as_ref())
fn children_ids_for<'a>(&'a self, id: EventId) -> impl Iterator<Item=EventId> + 'a {
self.children_for(Some(id)).map(|t| t.get_id())
@ -369,7 +372,7 @@ impl TasksRelay {
fn total_time_tracked(&self, id: EventId) -> u64 {
let mut total = 0;
let children = ChildIterator::from(&self, id).get_all();
let children = ChildrenTraversal::from(&self, id).get_all();
for user in self.history.values() {
total += Durations::from(user.values(), &children)
@ -1334,7 +1337,7 @@ impl TasksRelay {
let ids =
if state == State::Closed {
// Close whole subtree
ChildIterator::from(self, id).get_all()
ChildrenTraversal::from(self, id).get_all()
} else {
@ -1575,226 +1578,10 @@ pub(crate) fn join_tasks<'a>(
fn referenced_events(event: &Event) -> impl Iterator<Item=EventId> + '_ {
event.tags.iter().filter_map(|tag| match_event_tag(tag).map(|t|
pub fn referenced_event(event: &Event) -> Option<EventId> {
/// Returns the id of a referenced event if it is contained in the provided ids list.
fn matching_tag_id<'a>(event: &'a Event, ids: &'a [EventId]) -> Option<EventId> {
referenced_events(event).find(|id| ids.contains(id))
/// Filters out event timestamps to those that start or stop one of the given events
fn timestamps<'a>(
events: impl Iterator<Item=&'a Event>,
ids: &'a [EventId],
) -> impl Iterator<Item=(&Timestamp, Option<EventId>)> {
.map(|event| (&event.created_at, matching_tag_id(event, ids)))
.dedup_by(|(_, e1), (_, e2)| e1 == e2)
.skip_while(|element| element.1.is_none())
/// Iterates Events to accumulate times tracked
/// Expects a sorted iterator
struct Durations<'a> {
events: Box<dyn Iterator<Item=&'a Event> + 'a>,
ids: &'a [EventId],
threshold: Option<Timestamp>,
impl Durations<'_> {
fn from<'b>(
events: impl IntoIterator<Item=&'b Event> + 'b,
ids: &'b [EventId],
) -> Durations<'b> {
Durations {
events: Box::new(events.into_iter()),
threshold: Some(Timestamp::now()), // TODO consider offset?
impl Iterator for Durations<'_> {
type Item = Duration;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let mut start: Option<u64> = None;
while let Some(event) = {
if matching_tag_id(event, self.ids).is_some() {
if self.threshold.is_some_and(|th| event.created_at > th) {
start = start.or(Some(event.created_at.as_u64()))
} else {
if let Some(stamp) = start {
return Some(Duration::from_secs(event.created_at.as_u64() - stamp));
let now = self.threshold.unwrap_or(Timestamp::now()).as_u64();
start.filter(|t| t < &now)
.map(|stamp| Duration::from_secs(now.saturating_sub(stamp)))
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum ChildIteratorFilter {
Reject = 0b00,
TakeSelf = 0b01,
TakeChildren = 0b10,
Take = 0b11,
impl ChildIteratorFilter {
fn takes_children(&self) -> bool {
self == &ChildIteratorFilter::Take ||
self == &ChildIteratorFilter::TakeChildren
fn takes_self(&self) -> bool {
self == &ChildIteratorFilter::Take ||
self == &ChildIteratorFilter::TakeSelf
/// Breadth-First Iterator over Tasks and recursive children
struct ChildIterator<'a> {
tasks: &'a TaskMap,
/// Found Events
queue: Vec<EventId>,
/// Index of the next element in the queue
index: usize,
/// Depth of the next element
depth: usize,
/// Element with the next depth boundary
next_depth_at: usize,
impl<'a> ChildIterator<'a> {
fn rooted(tasks: &'a TaskMap, id: Option<&EventId>) -> Self {
let mut queue = Vec::with_capacity(tasks.len());
&mut tasks
.filter(move |t| t.parent_id() == id)
.map(|t| t.get_id())
Self::with_queue(tasks, queue)
fn with_queue(tasks: &'a TaskMap, queue: Vec<EventId>) -> Self {
ChildIterator {
tasks: &tasks,
next_depth_at: queue.len(),
index: 0,
depth: 1,
fn from(tasks: &'a TasksRelay, id: EventId) -> Self {
let mut queue = Vec::with_capacity(64);
ChildIterator {
tasks: &tasks.tasks,
index: 0,
depth: 0,
next_depth_at: 1,
/// Process until the given depth
/// Returns true if that depth was reached
fn process_depth(&mut self, depth: usize) -> bool {
while self.depth < depth {
if {
return false;
/// Get all children
fn get_all(mut self) -> Vec<EventId> {
while {}
/// Get all tasks until the specified depth
fn get_depth(mut self, depth: usize) -> Vec<EventId> {
fn check_depth(&mut self) {
if self.next_depth_at == self.index {
self.depth += 1;
self.next_depth_at = self.queue.len();
/// Get next id and advance, without adding children
fn next_task(&mut self) -> Option<EventId> {
if self.index >= self.queue.len() {
return None;
let id = self.queue[self.index];
self.index += 1;
/// Get the next known task and run it through the filter
fn next_filtered<F>(&mut self, filter: &F) -> Option<&'a Task>
F: Fn(&Task) -> ChildIteratorFilter,
self.next_task().and_then(|id| {
if let Some(task) = self.tasks.get(&id) {
let take = filter(task);
if take.takes_children() {
if take.takes_self() {
return Some(task);
fn queue_children_of(&mut self, task: &'a Task) {
impl FusedIterator for ChildIterator<'_> {}
impl<'a> Iterator for ChildIterator<'a> {
type Item = EventId;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.next_task().inspect(|id| {
match self.tasks.get(id) {
None => {
// Unknown task, might still find children, just slower
for task in self.tasks.values() {
if task.parent_id().is_some_and(|i| i == id) {
Some(task) => {
struct ParentIterator<'a> {
tasks: &'a TaskMap,
current: Option<EventId>,
@ -1809,3 +1596,4 @@ impl<'a> Iterator for ParentIterator<'a> {
impl FusedIterator for ParentIterator<'_> {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
use std::iter::FusedIterator;
use itertools::Itertools;
use nostr_sdk::EventId;
use crate::task::Task;
use crate::tasks::{TaskMap, TaskMapMethods, TasksRelay};
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum TraversalFilter {
Reject = 0b00,
TakeSelf = 0b01,
TakeChildren = 0b10,
Take = 0b11,
impl TraversalFilter {
fn takes_children(&self) -> bool {
self == &TraversalFilter::Take ||
self == &TraversalFilter::TakeChildren
fn takes_self(&self) -> bool {
self == &TraversalFilter::Take ||
self == &TraversalFilter::TakeSelf
/// Breadth-First Iterator over tasks with recursive children
pub(super) struct ChildrenTraversal<'a> {
tasks: &'a TaskMap,
/// Found Events
queue: Vec<EventId>,
/// Index of the next element in the queue
index: usize,
/// Depth of the next element
depth: usize,
/// Element with the next depth boundary
next_depth_at: usize,
impl<'a> ChildrenTraversal<'a> {
fn rooted(tasks: &'a TaskMap, id: Option<&EventId>) -> Self {
let mut queue = Vec::with_capacity(tasks.len());
&mut tasks
.filter(move |t| t.parent_id() == id)
.map(|t| t.get_id())
Self::with_queue(tasks, queue)
fn with_queue(tasks: &'a TaskMap, queue: Vec<EventId>) -> Self {
ChildrenTraversal {
tasks: &tasks,
next_depth_at: queue.len(),
index: 0,
depth: 1,
pub(super) fn from(tasks: &'a TasksRelay, id: EventId) -> Self {
let mut queue = Vec::with_capacity(64);
ChildrenTraversal {
tasks: &tasks.tasks,
index: 0,
depth: 0,
next_depth_at: 1,
/// Process until the given depth
/// Returns true if that depth was reached
pub(super) fn process_depth(&mut self, depth: usize) -> bool {
while self.depth < depth {
if {
return false;
/// Get all children
pub(super) fn get_all(mut self) -> Vec<EventId> {
while {}
/// Get all tasks until the specified depth
pub(super) fn get_depth(mut self, depth: usize) -> Vec<EventId> {
fn check_depth(&mut self) {
if self.next_depth_at == self.index {
self.depth += 1;
self.next_depth_at = self.queue.len();
/// Get next id and advance, without adding children
fn next_task(&mut self) -> Option<EventId> {
if self.index >= self.queue.len() {
return None;
let id = self.queue[self.index];
self.index += 1;
/// Get the next known task and run it through the filter
fn next_filtered<F>(&mut self, filter: &F) -> Option<&'a Task>
F: Fn(&Task) -> TraversalFilter,
self.next_task().and_then(|id| {
if let Some(task) = self.tasks.get(&id) {
let take = filter(task);
if take.takes_children() {
if take.takes_self() {
return Some(task);
fn queue_children_of(&mut self, task: &'a Task) {
impl FusedIterator for ChildrenTraversal<'_> {}
impl<'a> Iterator for ChildrenTraversal<'a> {
type Item = EventId;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.next_task().inspect(|id| {
match self.tasks.get(id) {
None => {
// Unknown task, might still find children, just slower
for task in self.tasks.values() {
if task.parent_id().is_some_and(|i| i == id) {
Some(task) => {

src/tasks/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
use std::time::Duration;
use itertools::Itertools;
use nostr_sdk::{Event, EventId, Timestamp};
use crate::kinds::match_event_tag;
pub(super) fn referenced_events(event: &Event) -> impl Iterator<Item=EventId> + '_ {
event.tags.iter().filter_map(|tag| match_event_tag(tag).map(|t|
/// Returns the id of a referenced event if it is contained in the provided ids list.
fn matching_tag_id<'a>(event: &'a Event, ids: &'a [EventId]) -> Option<EventId> {
referenced_events(event).find(|id| ids.contains(id))
/// Filters out event timestamps to those that start or stop one of the given events
pub(super) fn timestamps<'a>(
events: impl Iterator<Item=&'a Event>,
ids: &'a [EventId],
) -> impl Iterator<Item=(&Timestamp, Option<EventId>)> {
.map(|event| (&event.created_at, matching_tag_id(event, ids)))
.dedup_by(|(_, e1), (_, e2)| e1 == e2)
.skip_while(|element| element.1.is_none())
/// Iterates Events to accumulate times tracked
/// Expects a sorted iterator
pub(super) struct Durations<'a> {
events: Box<dyn Iterator<Item=&'a Event> + 'a>,
ids: &'a [EventId],
threshold: Option<Timestamp>,
impl Durations<'_> {
pub(super) fn from<'b>(
events: impl IntoIterator<Item=&'b Event> + 'b,
ids: &'b [EventId],
) -> Durations<'b> {
Durations {
events: Box::new(events.into_iter()),
threshold: Some(Timestamp::now()), // TODO consider offset?
impl Iterator for Durations<'_> {
type Item = Duration;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let mut start: Option<u64> = None;
while let Some(event) = {
if matching_tag_id(event, self.ids).is_some() {
if self.threshold.is_some_and(|th| event.created_at > th) {
start = start.or(Some(event.created_at.as_u64()))
} else {
if let Some(stamp) = start {
return Some(Duration::from_secs(event.created_at.as_u64() - stamp));
let now = self.threshold.unwrap_or(Timestamp::now()).as_u64();
start.filter(|t| t < &now)
.map(|stamp| Duration::from_secs(now.saturating_sub(stamp)))
fn test_timestamps() {
let mut tasks = crate::tasks::tests::stub_tasks();
let zero = EventId::all_zeros();
tasks.track_at(Timestamp::now() + 100, Some(zero));
timestamps(tasks.get_own_events_history(), &[zero])
// TODO Does not show both future and current tracking properly, need to split by current time

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use itertools::Itertools;
use nostr_sdk::{EventBuilder, EventId, Keys, Kind, Tag, Timestamp};
use std::collections::HashSet;
fn stub_tasks() -> TasksRelay {
pub(super) fn stub_tasks() -> TasksRelay {
use nostr_sdk::Keys;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
@ -312,22 +312,6 @@ fn test_tracking() {
// TODO test received events
fn test_timestamps() {
let mut tasks = stub_tasks();
let zero = EventId::all_zeros();
tasks.track_at(Timestamp::now() + 100, Some(zero));
timestamps(tasks.get_own_events_history(), &[zero])
// TODO Does not show both future and current tracking properly, need to split by current time
fn test_depth() {
let mut tasks = stub_tasks();
@ -364,13 +348,13 @@ fn test_depth() {
tasks.view_depth = 2;
assert_tasks_view!(tasks, [t111]);
assert_eq!(ChildIterator::from(&tasks, EventId::all_zeros()).get_all().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(ChildIterator::from(&tasks, EventId::all_zeros()).get_depth(0).len(), 1);
assert_eq!(ChildIterator::from(&tasks, t1).get_depth(0).len(), 1);
assert_eq!(ChildIterator::from(&tasks, t1).get_depth(1).len(), 3);
assert_eq!(ChildIterator::from(&tasks, t1).get_depth(2).len(), 4);
assert_eq!(ChildIterator::from(&tasks, t1).get_depth(9).len(), 4);
assert_eq!(ChildIterator::from(&tasks, t1).get_all().len(), 4);
assert_eq!(ChildrenTraversal::from(&tasks, EventId::all_zeros()).get_all().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(ChildrenTraversal::from(&tasks, EventId::all_zeros()).get_depth(0).len(), 1);
assert_eq!(ChildrenTraversal::from(&tasks, t1).get_depth(0).len(), 1);
assert_eq!(ChildrenTraversal::from(&tasks, t1).get_depth(1).len(), 3);
assert_eq!(ChildrenTraversal::from(&tasks, t1).get_depth(2).len(), 4);
assert_eq!(ChildrenTraversal::from(&tasks, t1).get_depth(9).len(), 4);
assert_eq!(ChildrenTraversal::from(&tasks, t1).get_all().len(), 4);
assert_position!(tasks, t1);