Internally, tracking is stopped one second earlier to prevent random accidental overlaps. This brings the interface in line with the user input.
152 lines
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152 lines
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use std::ops::Sub;
use chrono::LocalResult::Single;
use chrono::{DateTime, Local, NaiveTime, TimeDelta, TimeZone, Utc};
use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn};
use nostr_sdk::Timestamp;
pub const CHARACTER_THRESHOLD: usize = 3;
pub fn some_non_empty(str: &str) -> Option<String> {
if str.is_empty() { None } else { Some(str.to_string()) }
pub fn trim_start_count(str: &str, char: char) -> (&str, usize) {
let len = str.len();
let result = str.trim_start_matches(char);
let dots = len - result.len();
(result, dots)
pub trait ToTimestamp {
fn to_timestamp(&self) -> Timestamp;
impl<T: TimeZone> ToTimestamp for DateTime<T> {
fn to_timestamp(&self) -> Timestamp {
let stamp = self.to_utc().timestamp();
if let Some(t) = 0u64.checked_add_signed(stamp) {
} else { Timestamp::zero() }
/// Parses the hour from a plain number in the String,
/// with max of max_future hours into the future.
pub fn parse_hour(str: &str, max_future: i64) -> Option<DateTime<Local>> {
str.parse::<u32>().ok().and_then(|hour| {
let now = Local::now();
now.date().and_hms_opt(hour, 0, 0).map(|time| {
if time - now > TimeDelta::hours(max_future) {
} else {
pub fn parse_date(str: &str) -> Option<DateTime<Utc>> {
// Using two libraries for better exhaustiveness, see https://github.com/uutils/parse_datetime/issues/84
match interim::parse_date_string(str, Local::now(), interim::Dialect::Us) {
Ok(date) => Some(date.to_utc()),
Err(e) => {
match parse_datetime::parse_datetime_at_date(Local::now(), str) {
Ok(date) => Some(date.to_utc()),
Err(_) => {
warn!("Could not parse date from \"{str}\": {e}");
}.map(|time| {
// TODO properly map date without time to day start, also support intervals
if str.chars().any(|c| c.is_numeric()) {
} else {
/// Turn a human-readable relative timestamp into a nostr Timestamp.
/// - Plain number as hour, 18 hours back or 6 hours forward
/// - Number with prefix as minute offset
/// - Otherwise try to parse a relative date
pub fn parse_tracking_stamp(str: &str) -> Option<Timestamp> {
if let Some(num) = parse_hour(str, 6) {
return Some(num.to_timestamp());
let stripped = str.trim().trim_start_matches('+').trim_start_matches("in ");
if let Ok(num) = stripped.parse::<i64>() {
return Some(Timestamp::from(Timestamp::now().as_u64().saturating_add_signed(num * 60)));
parse_date(str).and_then(|time| {
let stamp = time.to_utc().timestamp();
if stamp > 0 {
Some(Timestamp::from(stamp as u64))
} else {
warn!("Can only track times after 1970!");
/// Format DateTime easily comprehensible for human but unambiguous.
/// Length may vary.
pub fn format_datetime_relative(time: DateTime<Local>) -> String {
let date = time.date_naive();
let prefix =
match Local::now()
.num_days() {
-1 => "tomorrow ".into(),
0 => "".into(),
1 => "yesterday ".into(),
//-3..=3 => date.format("%a ").to_string(),
-10..=10 => date.format("%d. %a ").to_string(),
-100..=100 => date.format("%a %b %d ").to_string(),
_ => date.format("%y-%m-%d %a ").to_string(),
format!("{}{}", prefix, time.format("%H:%M"))
/// Format a nostr timestamp with the given formatting function.
pub fn format_as_datetime<F>(stamp: &Timestamp, formatter: F) -> String
F: Fn(DateTime<Local>) -> String,
match Local.timestamp_opt(stamp.as_u64() as i64 + 1, 0) {
Single(time) => formatter(time),
_ => stamp.to_human_datetime(),
/// Format nostr Timestamp relative to local time
/// with optional day specifier or full date depending on distance to today.
pub fn format_timestamp_relative(stamp: &Timestamp) -> String {
format_as_datetime(stamp, format_datetime_relative)
/// Format nostr timestamp with the given format.
pub fn format_timestamp(stamp: &Timestamp, format: &str) -> String {
format_as_datetime(stamp, |time| time.format(format).to_string())
/// Format nostr timestamp in a sensible comprehensive format with consistent length and consistent sorting.
/// Currently: 18 characters
pub fn format_timestamp_local(stamp: &Timestamp) -> String {
format_timestamp(stamp, "%y-%m-%d %a %H:%M")
pub fn format_timestamp_relative_to(stamp: &Timestamp, reference: &Timestamp) -> String {
// Rough difference in days
match (stamp.as_u64() as i64 - reference.as_u64() as i64) / 80_000 {
0 => format_timestamp(stamp, "%H:%M"),
-3..=3 => format_timestamp(stamp, "%a %H:%M"),
_ => format_timestamp_local(stamp),