apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: stackspin-vikunja-test-values namespace: stackspout data: # https://github.com/truecharts/charts/blob/master/charts/stable/vikunja/values.yaml values.yaml: | image: tag: unstable imagePullPolicy: Always frontendImage: tag: unstable imagePullPolicy: Always configmap: config: data: vikunja.yaml: |- auth: openid: # https://vikunja.io/docs/config-options/#openid # Example: https://github.com/go-vikunja/api/blob/main/config.yml.sample#L289-L312 enabled: true redirecturl: "https://do-test.${domain}/auth/openid/" providers: - name: Stackspin authurl: "https://sso.${domain}/" clientid: "${client_id}" clientsecret: "${client_secret}" service: frontendurl: "https://do-test.${domain}" motd: "This is a test instance, do not use for production data as it can vanish without notice! Use Stackspin login, as usual." timezone: "CET" JWTSecret: "${jwt}" database: type: postgres host: vikunja-test-postgresql password: "${postgresql_password}" log: path: "/app/vikunja" http: stdout database: stderr databaselevel: debug ingress: main: enabled: true primary: false annotations: kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" hosts: - host: "do-test.${domain}" paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix tls: - secretName: vikunja-test-tls hosts: - "do-test.${domain}" #persistence: # files: # labels: # stackspin.net/backupSet: "vikunja" postgresql: # https://github.com/truecharts/charts/blob/master/charts/dependency/postgresql/values.yaml #enabled: true postgresqlDatabase: vikunja postgresqlUsername: vikunja postgresqlPassword: "${postgresql_password}" #persistence: # db: # enabled: true # # -- Sets the persistence type # # Valid options are: simplePVC, simpleHP, pvc, emptyDir, secret, configMap, hostPath or custom # type: pvc # mountPath: "/bitnami/postgresql" # # -- If you want to reuse an existing claim, the name of the existing PVC can be passed here. # existingClaim: vikunja-test-postgres #volumeClaimTemplates: # db: # enabled: false