const http = require("http") const { request } = require("https") // this comment is for the test issue const app = (req, res) => { const [email, key] = Buffer.from(req.headers.authorization.replace(/[Bb]asic /, ""), "base64").toString().split(":") const CFHeaders = { "X-Auth-Key": key, "X-Auth-Email": email, "Content-Type": "application/json" } const url = new URL(req.url, `http://${}`) //console.log(url.searchParams.d) const CFReq = request(`${url.searchParams.get("d").match(/\w+\.\w+\.?$/)[0]}`, { method: "GET", headers: CFHeaders }, (response) => { const data = []; response.on("data", (d) => { data.push(d) }) response.on("end", () => { const { success, result } = JSON.parse( => Buffer.from(Buf).toString()).join("")) data.splice(0, data.length); if (success) { const ZCReq = request(`${result[0].id}/dns_records?proxied=false&name=${url.searchParams.get("d")}&match=all`, { method: "GET", headers: CFHeaders }, (response) => { response.on("data", (d) => { data.push(d) }) response.on("end", () => { const ZCReqRes = JSON.parse( => Buffer.from(Buf).toString()).join("")) if (ZCReqRes.success) { if (ZCReqRes.result.length == 0 || !ZCReqRes.result.find(({ type }) => type == "A"||type=="CNAME")) { const createCFEntryReq = request(`${result[0].id}/dns_records`, { method: "POST", headers: CFHeaders }, (response) => { data.splice(0, data.length); response.on("data", (d) => { data.push(d) }) response.on("end", () => { const createCFEntryReqRes = JSON.parse( => Buffer.from(Buf).toString()).join("")) if (!createCFEntryReqRes.success) { res.writeHead(500, "An Error occurred while creating an A record") } res.end() }) }) createCFEntryReq.write(JSON.stringify({ type: "A", name: url.searchParams.get("d"), content: url.searchParams.get("ip"), ttl: 60 })) createCFEntryReq.end() } else { const updateCFEntryReq = request(`${result[0].id}/dns_records/${ZCReqRes.result.find(({ type }) => type == "A").id}`, { method: "PATCH", headers: CFHeaders }, (response) => { data.splice(0, data.length); response.on("data", (d) => { data.push(d) }) response.on("end", () => { const updateCFEntryReqRes = JSON.parse( => Buffer.from(Buf).toString()).join("")) if (!updateCFEntryReqRes.success) { res.writeHead(500, "An Error occurred while patching an A record") } res.end() }) }) updateCFEntryReq.write(JSON.stringify({ content: url.searchParams.get("ip"), ttl: 60, type:"A" })) updateCFEntryReq.end() } } else { res.writeHead(500, "An Error occurred while querying CloudFlare Zone Records") res.end() } }) }) ZCReq.end() } else { console.log( => Buffer.from(Buf).toString()).join("")) res.writeHead(500, "An Error occurred while querying the Zone List") res.end() } }) }) CFReq.end() } const server = http.createServer(app) server.listen(5555)