/// Main application entry point for CompareWare. /// Combines the item management components (form and list) to provide a cohesive user interface. use leptos::*; use crate::components::{item_form::ItemForm, items_list::ItemsList}; use crate::models::item::Item; use uuid::Uuid; #[component] pub fn App() -> impl IntoView { // Signal to store and update the list of items. let (items_signal, set_items) = create_signal(Vec::::new()); // Function to handle adding a new item to the list. let add_item = move |name: String, description: String, tags: Vec<(String, String)>| { set_items.update(|items| { items.push(Item { id: Uuid::new_v4().to_string(), name, description, tags, }); }); }; view! {

{ "CompareWare" }

// Form component for adding new items. // Component to display the list of items.
} }