ALTER TABLE tags DROP COLUMN item_id; ALTER TABLE tags ADD COLUMN item_id TEXT NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE tags ADD COLUMN created_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now() NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE tags ADD COLUMN updated_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now() NOT NULL; DROP TABLE items; CREATE FUNCTION set_updated_at_to_now() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$BEGIN NEW.updated_at = NOW(); RETURN NEW; END;$$ language PLPGSQL; CREATE TABLE items ( wikidataid TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, updated_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now() NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX tags_item_id_index ON tags (item_id); CREATE INDEX tags_created_at_index ON tags (created_at); CREATE TRIGGER update_tags_updated_at BEFORE UPDATE ON tags FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION set_updated_at_to_now(); CREATE INDEX items_created_at_index ON items (created_at); CREATE TRIGGER update_items_updated_at BEFORE UPDATE ON items FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION set_updated_at_to_now(); ALTER TABLE tags ADD CONSTRAINT tags_ref_item_id FOREIGN KEY (item_id) REFERENCES items (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;