
101 lines
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Org Mode

* Dotfiles
I mainly use Arch Linux,
currently with the KDE desktop environment
with the intention of moving a tiling WM (Awesome or Sway) soon.
If you are looking to snag some of my handy tools,
focus on [[.local/bin/scripts]] and [[.config/shell]].
Among daily use are ~b~, ~edbin~, ~edconf~, ~edit~, ~help~, [[.config/shell/arch][~yas~]]
and [[][zoxide]]-based ~d~ / ~di~
which in turn use ~zfz~, ~zf~ & ~locz~.
~ex~, ~m~, ~moul~, ~rpl~, ~s~, ~sd~, ~tl~, ~walli~ are also commonly used conveniences.
** Root
I am trying to keep my home clean,
but some files unfortunately cannot be moved.
Out of these, only [[.zprofile][.zprofile]] is of interest,
it contains lots of mappings to store files according to XDG
and configuration for ~less~ and ~fzf~.
** .config
- [[.config/shell][shell]] :: shell aliases & functions grouped into a few different areas, focused on zsh but mostly usable with bash
- [[.config/zsh][zsh]] :: zsh plugin configuration & custom completions
- [[.config/doom][doom]] :: [[][Doom Emacs]] configuration with personalized snippets
- ideavim, vifm, nvim :: vi-related tools
- git, yadm :: version control
** .local
- [[.local/bin/scripts][scripts]] :: lots of useful scripts,
most have a short documentation header -
including many essential git scripts
* Packages
: pacman -Qe | cut -d\ -f1 | xclip -selection clipboard
# Use org-yank-visible
- essentials :: git zsh bat neovim man-db curl
- basic tools :: texinfo tree wget locate
fd python-pynvim zsh-completions mlocate unrar
- dotfiles :: yadm
: yadm clone --bootstrap
: yadm clone --bootstrap
** Applications
- common tools :: ripgrep topgrade ffmpeg imagemagick pandoc [[][lftp]] glances youtube-dl dos2unix zsh-doc pacman-contrib
- git tools :: git-bug git-lfs git-crypt git-remote-gcrypt github-cli
AUR: yay
- aur recommendations :: tldr++ sc-im espanso
- pass :: pass pass-otp pass-extension-tail pass-clip
-> interesting: pass-steam, pass-autotype, pass-file, pass-qr, pass-ssh, pass-rotate
- ssh :: openssh sshfs lemonade-git
- productivity :: activitywatch-bin jrnl
- music :: mpd mpc ncmpc mpd-mpris vlc phonon-qt5-vlc sox
: mkdir -p ~/.local/state/mpd && systemctl --user enable --now mpd mpd-mpris
: sudo npm install -g bpm
- bluetooth :: bluez bluez-utils pulseaudio-bluetooth
- music tagging :: puddletag beets picard ffmpegthumbnailer
- sync :: syncthing
: systemctl enable --now syncthing
- personal aur utils (need configuration) :: [[][diffr]] bat-extras-git rdictcc-git neovim-symlinks stderred-git
: pip install beautifulsoup4
- experiments :: kakoune
** Graphical
- xorg :: xorg-xserver xorg-xkill xorg-setxkbmap xorg-xinit xterm xclip xprintidle light
- wayland :: sway azote
- music production :: lilypond lilypond-docs timidity++ chordpro-git musescore mixxx-beta-git
- video :: vlc obs-studio kdenlive
- kde :: plasma-desktop plasma-nm spectacle breeze systemsettings konsole ktorrent dolphin kdeplasma-addons kinfocenter partitionmanager kdeconnect kwallet-pam kwalletmanager ksshaskpass okular bluedevil
- office :: emacs texlive-core texlive-latexextra context-bin libreoffice-fresh
- hacking :: etcher-bin
- health :: stretchly-xeruf-git redshift acpilight light
: scu enable --now redshift
*** Emacs
- mail :: offlineimap mu
*** Firefox Addons
**** Password management
***** Pass - the unix password manager
Store all kinds of secrets in plain text
: passff-host
***** MasterPassword - the stateless password manager
> Keep different passwords for every site you log into without having to remember anything but a single master password.
> And without the risk of your getting your password list stolen.
**** [[][System Integration]]
**** [[][Privacy]]
*** Dev
#+begin_source sh
yays intellij-idea-ultimate-edition intellij-idea-ultimate-edition-jre \
jdk-openjdk java-openjfx jdk8-openjdk java8-openjfx
archlinux-java set jdk8-openjdk
yays clion clion-jre cmake gdb python-pre-commit
**** Android
: yays android-udev android-tools adbfs-rootless-git android-studio
After running android-studio setup, accept licenses:
: $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses
** Server
Setup systemd-resolved and systemd-networkd
- tools :: fd-find
- rust :: cargo install zoxide diffr
: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- ssh (Ubuntu) :: lemonade openssh
- webserver :: sudo apt install snapd nginx && snap install certbot
- social :: pleroma-bin postgresql caddy